Full Stack Development

How to Master Full Stack Development?

In this blog, I will discuss How to Master Full Stack Development.

Mastering Full Stack Development involves becoming proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, as well as understanding how they interact with each other to create a seamless user experience. The following practice problems help you learn full-stack development better.

Practice Problems on Full Stack Development

Programs on ES6

  1. Write a program using arrow function to find square root of elements of an array.
  2. How to convert string concatenation to template literals?
  3. Write a program to extract values from an object using destructuring assignment.
  4. Develop a program to merge arrays using the spread syntax.

Programs on React

  1. Write a program to display “Hello, World!” using a functional component in React.
  2. Create a counter app using functional components in React.
  3. How to render a list of items using the map function in React?
  4. Develop a program to toggle the visibility of content using state in React.
  5. Implement a program to change the background color of a component on button click using state in React.
  6. Create a React component that takes a name prop and displays a greeting message.
  7. Develop a React component to display a product card, accepting props like productName, price, and imageUrl.
  8. Build a React component for a todo item, accepting props like task, completed, and onToggle.
  9. Design a React component to display a list of user profiles, accepting a prop named profiles.
  10. Develop a React component to create a simple form, accepting props like onSubmit and fields.
  11. Write a program to fetch and display data from an API using the useEffect hook in React.
  12. Create a program to manage a simple form with input fields and a submit button using state in React.
  13. Develop a program to create a basic calculator (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) using state in React.
  14. Write a program to create a simple todo list with the ability to add and remove items using state in React.
  15. Develop a program to create a basic login form with validation using state in React.

Programs on Node.js

  1. Create a Node.js application to perform various file operations.
  2. How to append in a text file in Node.js?
  3. Develop a Node.js application to upload files and save them to a specified directory.
  4. Write a program to download files using node.js
  5. Implement a simple HTTP server in Node.js using the built-in http module. The server should listen for incoming requests and respond with basic text or HTML.

Programs on Angular

  1. Create a Hello World app using angular.
  2. Implement an app using angular that displays a web page using components
  3. Create a router app using angular.
  4. Write a program to demonstrate Angular pipes.

Programs on React Router and React Redux

  1. Create a router app using react.
  2. Develop a counter app using react redux.
  3. Connect to MongoDB database from a Node.js application and print “Connected successfully” to the console.

Programs on MongoDB and Node.js Connectivity

  1. Insert a document into a MongoDB collection using Node.js.
  2. Retrieve and print all documents from a MongoDB collection using Node.js.
  3. Update a document in a MongoDB collection using Node.js.
  4. Delete a document from a MongoDB collection using Node.js.
  5. Implement basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on a MongoDB collection using Node.js.
  6. Create a RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js to perform CRUD operations on a MongoDB collection.
  7. Develop a Node.js program using Express.js to build a RESTful API server. Define routes to handle CRUD operations on resources such as users or products.

Programs on RESTful APIs Using Node.js, Extress.js, and MongoDB

  1. Implement a RESTful API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to handle user authentication. Implement endpoints for user registration, login, logout, and password reset.
  2. Create a REST API to manage a todo list application. Implement endpoints to create, read, update, and delete tasks. Ensure authentication is required for modifying tasks.
  3. Develop a RESTful API for managing products in an e-commerce application. Implement endpoints to create, read, update, and delete products. Include features like search and filtering.

Remember, mastering full-stack development is a continuous journey, so stay curious, keep practicing, and never stop learning.

Further Reading

JUnit Tutorial

Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions

30 MCQs on JUnit

From Google to the World: The Story of Go Programming Language

Why Go? Understanding the Advantages of this Emerging Language

Creating and Executing Simple Programs in Go

20+ Interview Questions on Go Programming Language

100+ MCQs On Java Architecture

Java Practice Exercise



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