The following list provides important Data Structures Practice Questions. Write a program to implement following operation on one dimensional array (i) Insertion (ii) Deletion (iii) Traversal (iv) Reverse (v) Merge Create an application to Sort an array (menu driven) using: (i) BUBBLE SORT (ii) MERGE SORT(iii) INSERTION SORT (iv) SELECTION SORT Write a program to …
C Programming Practice Questions
The following list includes important C Programming Practice Questions. Click on the link to find code for following C Programming Practice Questions Write code that allows a user to enter a number n and then displays it in words. Displays all ASCII character with their numeric values. Find power of a number using for loop. …
50+ C Programming Interview Questions and Answers
Given below are 50+ C Programming Interview Questions and Answers. Who were the developers of the C programming language? Ans. In 1970, Dennis Ritchie developed the C programming language in Bell Laboratories. How would you categorize the C language? Ans. C language is essentially a structured programming language. Discuss the structure of a C program …
C Program to Find Factorial of a Number
The following code example demonstrates a C Program to Find Factorial of a Number. As can be seen, the program contains both recursive and non-recursive functions for computing the factorials. Recursive Functions Basically, a recursive function is a function that calls itself. In other words, a recursive function keeps on calling itself until a certain …
Top 30 Algorithms You Must Know for Coding Interview
Since algorithms are just part of the solutions to bigger problems, an in-depth understanding of computer science data structures and algorithms is necessary. If you are preparing for a coding interview, then understanding the algorithms and their implementation is essential. The following list provides the Top 30 Algorithms You Must Know for Coding Interview. Top …
Solve Simple Programming Problems
In order to get better at coding, the key is to Solve Simple Programming Problems. Although you can choose your favorite programming language for coding, C and C++ are still the most popular languages among students. The following list provides some basic programming problems that you can try to practice in any language. Simple Programming …