Since algorithms are just part of the solutions to bigger problems, an in-depth understanding of computer science data structures and algorithms is necessary. If you are preparing for a coding interview, then understanding the algorithms and their implementation is essential. The following list provides the Top 30 Algorithms You Must Know for Coding Interview.
Top 30 Algorithms You Must Know for Coding Interview
1. Find Maximum
Since finding maximum from a number of values is required in solving many problems. Therefore, one of the simplest problems is to find the maximum from the one-dimensional array. Also, compute the complexity of the algorithm.
2. Linear Search
Another important algorithm that most applications require is searching. Implement Linear Search with a single occurrence of target value as well as with multiple occurrences.
3. Binary Search
Because the efficiency of algorithms is important for their implementation, compare both linear search and binary search for their respective time complexity. Also, implement the Binary Search algorithm.
4. Selection Sort
Implement Selection sort algorithm.
5. Bubble Sort
Write a program to implement Bubble sort algorithm.
6. Insertion Sort
Find the time complexity of Insertion sort and also implement it. Further, compare the time complexity of all sorting algorithms.
7. Merge Sort
As a matter of fact, the divide-and-conquer strategy reduces the running time of algorithms substantially. Write a program for Merge sort and show its time complexity.
8. Quick Sort
Write a program for Quick sort algorithm.
9. Heap Sort
Implement Heap Sort algorithm.
10. Bucket Sort
Write a program to implement Bucket Sort.
11. Radix Sort
Implement Radix Sort algorithm.
12. Minimum and Maximum
Write a program to find out Minimum and Maximum using the minimum number of comparison operators.
13. Randomized Select
Implement a program to find out ith order statistic (Randomized Select)
14. Breadth First Search (BFS)
Since traversing a search tree has many applications including the optimal route finding, its efficient implementation is also important. Write a program to implement Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm.
15. Depth First Search (DFS)
Another important traversal algorithm is Depth First Search (DFS) that we can use to determine cycles in a graph. Write a program to implement the DFS algorithm.
16. Matrix Chain Multiplication (MCM)
Basically, Matrix Chain Multiplication (MCM) is an optimization problem. In general, this problem requires us to find the most efficient way in which we can multiply two or more matrices. Therefore, here we need to find the most optimal order of matrix multiplication. Implement matrix chain multiplication algorithm in a programming language.
17. Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
Another important algorithm is the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) that has applications in bioinformatics. Implement the Longest Common subsequence algorithm.
18. Warshall’s Algorithm
In case we want to compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph, we can use Warshall’s algorithm. Write a program to implement Warshall’s algorithm.
19. 0/1 Knapsack Problem
Since 0-1 Knapsack problem is one of the most widely used combinatorial optimization problem. Therefore, write a program to implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming.
20. Kruskal’s Algorithm
As can be seen, the Minimum Cost Spanning Trees have lots of applications, so their implementation is important to learn. Hence, implement a program in C language to find MST of a given undirected graph using Kruskal’s algorithm.
21. Prim’s Algorithm
As can be seen, the Minimum Cost Spanning Tree has several applications related to finding the optimal route, For instance, we can apply a Minimum Cost Spanning Tree algorithm in network problems, laying out towers, roads, channels, and so on. Therefore, implement code in C language to find MST of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.
22. Dijkstra Algorithm
Another important algorithm that we use in routing protocols is the Dijkstra algorithm. Write a program to implement the Dijkstra algorithm.
23. Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Indeed another algorithm that finds the shortest path is the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Write a program to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
24. Naive String Matching Algorithm
Particularly, this algorithm is useful in pattern matching. Hence, it finds its place in many applications. Write a program to implement the Naïve string matching algorithm.
25. Rabin-Karp Algorithm
However, another efficient algorithm for pattern matching is the Rabin-Karp algorithm. Write a program to implement the Rabin –Karp algorithm.
26. Knuth Morris Pratt (KMP) Algorithm
Another algorithm for pattern matching is the KMP algorithm. Write a program to implement the KMP string matching algorithm.
27. Huffman Coding Algorithm
Since data compression is necessary for many applications, compression algorithms are very important. In fact, the Huffman Coding algorithm is one of the compression algorithms. Write a program to implement the Huffman coding algorithm.
28. Hashing Table Using Open Addressing
In fact, the open addressing hashing algorithm can handle the collisions. Therefor, it is implemented in many applications. Write a program to implement Hashing table using open addressing system.
29. Perfect Hashing and Universal Hashing
Moreover, there are better efficient algorithms to implement the hashing. Specifically, these methods are perfect hashing and Universal Hashing. Write a program to implement Hashing table using Perfect Hashing and Universal hashing.
30. N Queens Problem
Another problem that we can solve using backtracking is the N Queens problem. Write a program to solve the N Queens problem.