The following programs demonstrate some Examples of Using Loops in Python.

Like other programming languages, python also has a for loop. The following loop varies the variable x from 0 to 34 and prints x multiplied by 3.

for x in range(35):
 	print(3*x, end=", ")


The Output of the Examples of Using Loops in Python
The Output of the Examples of Using Loops in Python

Another example of using for loop is here. The following code prints each element of the list four times.

a = ['Sam', 'Joe', 'Luke']

for user_name in a:


For Loop to Print the Values in a List in Python
For Loop to Print the Values in a List in Python

Similarly, we can use a for loop to print a series. The following code displays a series from 12 to 0 with each term of the series decremented by three.

my_nn = 12

while my_nn >= 0:
	my_nn -= 3


A For Loop to Print a Series in Python
A For Loop to Print a Series in Python

The following loop demonstrates the use of break statement. When i becomes greater than 14, the loop terminates.

for i in range(20):
	if i > 14:


Examples of Using Loops in Python - Using break in a for loop in Python
Examples of Using Loops in Python – Using break in a for loop in Python

Likewise, the following code demonstrates the use of continue statement. When i becomes equal to 7, the corresponding iteration skips the rest of the statements. Afterward, the loop continues. Hence, the loop all prints all numbers from 0 to 13, except the number 7.

for i in range(14):
	if i == 7:


Examples of Using Loops in Python - Using the continue Statement in Python
Examples of Using Loops in Python – Using the continue Statement in Python

Further Reading

Python Practice Exercise

Examples of OpenCV Library in Python

Examples of Tuples in Python

Python List Practice Exercise

A Brief Introduction of Pandas Library in Python

A Brief Tutorial on NumPy in Python


IITM Software Development Cell