In this article on A Mini Project on JDBC Operation, the use of HDBC API in Java is explained through an application. To begin with, create the table Exam. The following list provides the details of the columns in the exam table. user_id: varchar(100) password: varchar(100) user_type: varchar(100) incorrect_attempts: Number(2) lock_status: Number(2) user_name: varchar(100) The …
Understanding Map Collection in Java
This article on Understanding Map Collection in Java describes the java collection interface Map. Also, several examples are also included here. Map is one of the collection interfaces available in java.util package. In order to store key-value pairs, the Map interface is used. Also, the keys that the Map contains are unique. Some of the …
Examples of Sets in Java
This article demonstrates some Examples of Sets in Java. The Set Interface in Java Basically, it is an unordered collection and doesn’t allow duplicates. When you add a duplicate element, it will replace the existing one. TreeSet class implements the Set interface. It represents a sorted collection. When we need to store the user defined …
ArrayList Exercise in Java
The following ArrayList Exercise in Java will help you to work with the ArrayList collection class. Create an ArrayList in Java and add the days of the week. Also, display the ArrayList. Define a class Emp with the following fields – emp_id, name, salary, gender, department, and email_id. Also, define the corresponding constructors, and getter …
Logic Building Exercise in Java
The following Logic Building Exercise in Java will help you crack a coding round in a programming job selection process. Find whether a number is a palindrome or it can become a palindrome by adjusting a single digit. Write a program to find the cyclic sum of the digits of a number. How to find …
Spring Boot Practice Questions and Their Solutions
The following list provides some Spring Boot Practice Questions and Their Solutions. Application Based Spring Boot Practice Questions and Their Solutions Develop a simple Spring Boot application that displays ‘Welcome to’. Demonstrate the use of Dependency Injection and auto-wired with Spring Boot. For this purpose, create an application involving the three classes – RegularFaculty, …
Spring Boot Explained in Simple Way
In this article on Spring Boot Explained in Simple Way, I will explain the concept of Spring Boot. Basically, Spring Boot greatly simplifies the way in which we develop Spring applications. In fact, the Spring Boot is one of the modules of the Spring Framework. Hence, it resides on the top of the Spring Framework. …
Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions
This article presents a few Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions. A Brief Tutorial on Spring Framework A Java application has a Model class ‘Art’. Further, this class has three attributes – art_id, art_title, and artist_name. You are required to create a Spring XML configuration file to create a bean entry for the Art …
Hibernate Practical Problems and Their Solutions
In this article, I will present some of the Hibernate Practical Problems and Their Solutions that will help you work with Hibernate. Basically, Hibernate is a Java Framework for ORM (Object Relational Modeling). In other words, Hibernate provides a mapping of Java classes to the database tables. The following list provides Hibernate Practical Problems and …
Using JavaBeans in a JSP
This article explains Using JavaBeans in a JSP. Further, a few examples of using JavaBeans in a Java Server Page (JSP) are also provided. Basically, a JavaBean is nothing but a Java class that follows certain conventions. It represents a reusable software component. A JavaBean must define a public default constructor. Also, all of its …