
Spring Boot Explained in Simple Way

In this article on Spring Boot Explained in Simple Way, I will explain the concept of Spring Boot.

Basically, Spring Boot greatly simplifies the way in which we develop Spring applications. In fact, the Spring Boot is one of the modules of the Spring Framework. Hence, it resides on the top of the Spring Framework. Furthermore, the Spring Boot is a layered architecture.

Comparison Between Spring and Spring Boot

SpringSpring Boot
We need to use a lot of boilerplate code while developing a Spring application.Spring Boot simplifies application development by eliminating the need of using boilerplate code.
Application development in Spring is somewhat complex.In Spring Boot, the application development is much easier.
Spring is an open-source framework for enterprise application development.Spring Boot is a module of the Spring framework. It resides on the top of the Spring framework.
We create loosely coupled applications using Spring Framework.Generally, we use the stand-alone applications using Spring Boot.
Spring framework makes use of lots of configuration files.The application is auto-configured in the case of Spring Boot.
Application development in Spring Framework is time-consuming. We need to write lots of code.Application development in Spring Boot is fast. It substantially eliminates several lines of code.
We can’t use an in-memory database such as H2 with the Spring framework.With Spring Boot, it is possible to use an in-memory database like H2.

Spring Boot has a layered architecture. The following list describes the layers of this architecture.

  1. Presentation Layer. In order to handle the HTTP requests, we this layer. Also, it performs JSON translations and authentication.
  2. Business Layer. Likewise, we provide the business logic with this layer. For this purpose, we create service classes. Also, we perform validation, and authorization in this layer.
  3. Persistence layer. Similarly, we provide the storage logic in this layer. For this purpose, we perform the mapping of objects to database rows.
  4. Database layer. This layer implements the CRUD operations.
  5. Create an application ‘Library Management System’ using Spring Boot MVC. Also, demonstrate the use of JPA (Java Persistence API), and the H2 database.

Spring Boot Practice Questions.

Further Reading

Java Practice Exercise



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