In this article on Improving User Engagement with HTTP Servlets and Session Tracking, I will explain session tracking with Http Servlets using a real-life example.
So, this example creates an HTTP servlet for a Pet Store to perform session tracking of a user who logs in with an email id, password, and OTP and purchases a dog collar, a chewstick pack, and a dog toy.
The following example code demonstrates how you can create an HTTP servlet for a Pet Store to perform session tracking.
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
public class PetStoreServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
// Get the email, password, and OTP from the request parameters
String email = request.getParameter("email");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
String otp = request.getParameter("otp");
// Check if the email, password, and OTP are valid
boolean isValidUser = validateUser(email, password, otp);
if (isValidUser) {
// Create a new session or get the existing one
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
// Set the session attributes for the user
session.setAttribute("email", email);
session.setAttribute("loggedIn", true);
// Get the dog collar, chewstick pack, and dog toy quantities from the request parameters
int collarQuantity = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("collarQuantity"));
int chewstickQuantity = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("chewstickQuantity"));
int toyQuantity = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("toyQuantity"));
// Calculate the total cost of the items
double collarCost = collarQuantity * 10.0;
double chewstickCost = chewstickQuantity * 5.0;
double toyCost = toyQuantity * 15.0;
double totalCost = collarCost + chewstickCost + toyCost;
// Set the session attributes for the items and total cost
session.setAttribute("collarQuantity", collarQuantity);
session.setAttribute("chewstickQuantity", chewstickQuantity);
session.setAttribute("toyQuantity", toyQuantity);
session.setAttribute("totalCost", totalCost);
// Redirect the user to the confirmation page
} else {
// Redirect the user to the login page with an error message
private boolean validateUser(String email, String password, String otp) {
// TODO: Add your code to validate the user here
// For simplicity, we will just return true
return true;
In this example, we have created a servlet class named PetStoreServlet
that extends HttpServlet
. In the doPost
method, we get the email, password, and OTP from the request parameters and validate the user using the validateUser
method. If the user is valid, we create a new session or get the existing one using request.getSession(true)
We set the session attributes for the user using session.setAttribute(name, value)
. Then, we get the quantities of the dog collar, chewstick pack, and dog toy from the request parameters and calculate the total cost of the items. Further, we set the session attributes for the items and total cost.
Finally, we redirect the user to the confirmation page using response.sendRedirect(url)
In order to test this servlet, you can create a simple HTML form with the email, password, and OTP fields, as well as the quantities of the items. The form should submit the data to the servlet using the POST method. Then, you can customize the login and confirmation pages according to your requirements.