In this article on SQL Queries – Basic to Advanced, I will discuss how to formulate SQL queries. The following section specifies the database tables that we use for the queries. Also, we create the tables on Oracle 11g Database Create the following tables. To begin with, we need to create two tables – EmpDetails, …
Learning Simple Queries in SQL
In this article on Learning Simple Queries in SQL, I will explain how to perform simple selection and projection queries on a database table in SQL. To begin with, let us create a table Course in the Institute database that we have created earlier. The following create command creates the Course table. As a result …
Data Definition Language Commands in SQL
This article describes Data Definition Language Commands in SQL. Database Schema In order to start working with a database, first of all we need to decide the structure and content of the database. In other words, we need to find out the number of tables in the database, their structure, and relationship among these tables. …
SQL Practice Exercise
The following list presents a SQL Practice Exercise. The following are some of the databases. For the purpose of running queries given below you may use any one of these databases. However, you can use any other database also. Part 1 – SQL Practice Exercise Institute Database: The database has the following tables Student (enrolment_no, …