
40 MCQs on JavaBeans in JSP

In this blog, you will find 40 MCQs on JavaBeans in JSP.

Explore your knowledge of JavaBeans in JSP with this comprehensive set of 40 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Test your understanding of JavaBeans, a fundamental component of JavaServer Pages, and refine your expertise in web application development.

1. What is a JavaBean in JSP?

a. A type of coffee bean

b. A reusable component in Java

c. A scripting language in JSP

d. A database connection in JSP

2. Which tag is used to create a JavaBean in JSP?

a. <jsp:bean>

b. <jsp:useBean>

c. <jsp:createBean>

d. <bean:use>

3. What does the class attribute in <jsp:useBean> specify?

a. The name of the JavaBean

b. The type of the JavaBean

c. The variable name for the JavaBean

d. The method to invoke on the JavaBean

4. How can you access the properties of a JavaBean in JSP?

a. Using <jsp:property>

b. Using <jsp:getProperty>

c. Using <jsp:setProperty>

d. Using <bean:property>

5. What is the purpose of the <jsp:setProperty> tag in JSP?

a. To set the value of a JavaBean property

b. To create a new JavaBean instance

c. To display the JavaBean properties

d. To delete a JavaBean instance

6. Which JSP directive is used to import a JavaBean class into a JSP page?

a. <jsp:import>

b. <%@ page import=”…”>

c. <jsp:include>

d. <jsp:directive import=”…”>

7. What is the default scope of a JavaBean in JSP?

a. Request

b. Session

c. Page

d. Application

8. In JSP, which attribute of <jsp:useBean> specifies the JavaBean’s scope explicitly?

a. <jsp:scope>

b. <jsp:beanScope>

c. <jsp:bean>

d. <jsp:scopeName>

9. Which attribute of <jsp:setProperty> is used to set the property of a JavaBean?

a. name

b. property

c. value

d. target

10. What is the correct syntax for setting a property value using <jsp:setProperty>?

a. <jsp:setProperty name=”myBean” property=”myProperty” value=”42″ />

b. <jsp:setProperty bean=”myBean” property=”myProperty” value=”42″ />

c. <jsp:setProperty target=”myBean” property=”myProperty” value=”42″ />

d. <jsp:setProperty name=”myBean” value=”42″ property=”myProperty” />

11. How can you retrieve a property value from a JavaBean in JSP?

a. <jsp:get>

b. <jsp:getProperty>

c. <bean:get>

d. <bean:property>

12. Which attribute of <jsp:getProperty> is used to specify the property to retrieve?

a. name

b. property

c. value

d. target

13. What is the correct syntax for getting a property value using <jsp:getProperty>?

a. <jsp:getProperty name=”myBean” property=”myProperty” />

b. <jsp:getProperty bean=”myBean” property=”myProperty” />

c. <jsp:getProperty target=”myBean” property=”myProperty” />

d. <jsp:getProperty name=”myBean” value=”myProperty” />

14. Which attribute of <jsp:useBean> is used to specify the JavaBean’s class type?

a. class

b. type

c. name

d. value

15. What is the purpose of the <jsp:include> tag in JSP?

a. To include JavaBean properties

b. To include another JSP page

c. To create a new JavaBean

d. To display a JavaBean’s methods

16. What happens if you try to access a non-existent property using <jsp:getProperty>?

a. An exception is thrown

b. The property is created

c. The property is set to null

d. The JSP page crashes

17. How can you specify the default value for a JavaBean property using <jsp:setProperty>?

a. <jsp:setProperty name=”myBean” property=”myProperty” value=”42″ />

b. <jsp:setProperty name=”myBean” property=”myProperty” defaultValue=”42″ />

c. <jsp:setProperty name=”myBean” property=”myProperty” default=”42″ />

d. <jsp:setProperty name=”myBean” property=”myProperty” defaultvalue=”42″ />

18. Which attribute of <jsp:setProperty> is used to specify the default value for a property?

a. default

b. defaultValue

c. value

d. target

19. What is the purpose of the <jsp:forward> tag in JSP?

a. To include JavaBean properties

b. To include another JSP page

c. To create a new JavaBean

d. To display a JavaBean’s methods

20. Which JSP directive is used to declare a custom tag library that contains JavaBeans?

a. <jsp:taglib>

b. <jsp:useBean>

c. <jsp:include>

d. <jsp:directive.taglib>

21. How can you remove a JavaBean from a JSP page’s scope?

a. Use the <jsp:removeBean> tag

b. Set the JavaBean’s class attribute to “”

c. Use the <jsp:destroyBean> tag

d. Restart the JSP server

22. What is the purpose of the <jsp:getProperty> tag with the ignore attribute set to “true”?

a. It retrieves the property’s value and ignores errors.

b. It ignores the property value and retrieves the default.

c. It retrieves the property’s value and throws an exception.

d. It ignores the property completely.

23. Which JavaBean property type is NOT supported in JSP by default?

a. int

b. String

c. Date

d. ArrayList

24. How do you access a nested property of a JavaBean in JSP?

a. <jsp:getProperty name=”myBean” property=”nestedProperty.subProperty” />

b. <jsp:getProperty name=”myBean.nestedProperty.subProperty” />

c. <jsp:getProperty name=”myBean” property=”nestedProperty-subProperty” />

d. <jsp:getProperty name=”myBean.nestedProperty/subProperty” />

25. Which attribute of <jsp:setProperty> is used to specify the type of the property?

a. Determined on the basis of class definition

b. type

c. valueType

d. dataType

26. What is the purpose of the <jsp:useBean> tag’s beanName attribute?

a. It specifies the name of the JavaBean.

b. It specifies the type of the JavaBean.

c. It specifies the default value for the JavaBean.

d. It specifies the scope of the JavaBean.

27. Which attribute of <jsp:setProperty> is used to specify the type of the property in a JavaBean?

a. type

b. propertyType

c. Class of property

d. dataType

28. How can you set multiple properties of a JavaBean at once using <jsp:setProperty>?

a. By using multiple <jsp:setProperty> tags

b. By separating property names with commas

c. By using the property attribute with a wildcard character (*)

d. By using the name attribute with multiple property names

29. What is the purpose of the <jsp:plugin> tag in JSP?

a. To include a Java applet

b. To create a new JavaBean

c. To display a JavaBean’s methods

d. To include another JSP page

30. How can you access a JavaBean that is not in the default scope in JSP?

a. By specifying the scope explicitly using <jsp:useBean>

b. By using the <jsp:include> tag

c. By setting the JavaBean’s property to null

d. By using the <jsp:getProperty> tag with a different attribute

31. Which attribute of <jsp:useBean> is used to specify the type of the JavaBean?

a. type

b. class

c. name

d. scope

32. What is the purpose of the <jsp:param> tag in JSP?

a. To include JavaBean properties

b. To include another JSP page

c. To create a new JavaBean

d. To pass parameters to another resource

33. In which scope is a JavaBean available for the entire application’s lifetime in JSP?

a. Request

b. Session

c. Page

d. Application

34. What is the default value for the scope attribute of the <jsp:useBean> tag?

a. request

b. session

c. page

d. application

35. What is the purpose of the <jsp:getProperty> tag with the property attribute set to “*”?

a. It retrieves all properties of a JavaBean.

b. It retrieves a specific property of a JavaBean.

c. It retrieves the default property of a JavaBean.

d. It retrieves no properties of a JavaBean.

36. How can you pass data from a JSP page to a JavaBean?

a. Use <jsp:setProperty>

b. Use <jsp:getProperty>

c. Use <jsp:param>

d. Use <jsp:include>


  1. b
  2. b
  3. b
  4. b
  5. a
  6. b
  7. b
  8. a
  9. b
  10. a
  11. b
  12. b
  13. a
  14. a
  15. b
  16. a
  17. a
  18. c
  19. b
  20. a
  21. b
  22. a
  23. d
  24. a
  25. a
  26. a
  27. c
  28. c
  29. a
  30. a
  31. a
  32. d
  33. d
  34. c
  35. a
  36. a

Further Reading

30 MCQs on Servlet Config and Servlet Context

JUnit Tutorial

30 MCQs on Assert Method and Annotations in Java

Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions

From Google to the World: The Story of Go Programming Language

Why Go? Understanding the Advantages of this Emerging Language

Creating and Executing Simple Programs in Go

20+ Interview Questions on Go Programming Language

100+ MCQs On Java Architecture

Java Practice Exercise

30 MCQs on Servlets – Get and Post Requests

40 MCQs on Cookies and Session Management with Servlets



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