This blog provides 30 MCQs on Servlets – Get and Post Requests.
Test your knowledge of servlets with this quiz featuring 30 multiple-choice questions focused on Servlets, with a particular emphasis on GET and POST requests. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this quiz will help you assess your understanding of servlet-based web development and request handling.
- Which HTTP method is used to retrieve data from the server?
Answer: A
- Which HTTP method is typically used to submit a form with sensitive data?
Answer: B
- In a servlet, how do you access query parameters from a GET request?
A) Using the request.getParameter() method
B) Using the request.getAttribute() method
C) Using the request.getSession() method
D) Using the request.getMethod() method
Answer: A
- In a servlet, how do you access data sent in the body of a POST request?
A) Using the request.getParameter() method
B) Using the request.getAttribute() method
C) Using the request.getInputStream() method
D) Using the request.getMethod() method
Answer: C
- Which HTTP status code is returned by the server when a resource is successfully created?
A) 200 OK
B) 201 Created
C) 204 No Content
D) 404 Not Found
Answer: B
- Which HTTP status code is typically returned when a requested resource is not found?
A) 200 OK
B) 201 Created
C) 404 Not Found
D) 500 Internal Server Error
Answer: C
- Which method is responsible for processing both GET and POST requests in a servlet?
A) doGet()
B) doPost()
C) service()
D) processRequest()
Answer: C
- In a servlet, how do you set a response header to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)?
A) Using response.setHeader(“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”, “*”)
B) Using response.setCORS(“*”)
C) Using response.setCrossOrigin(true)
D) Using response.setAccessControl(true)
Answer: A
- Which HTTP method is idempotent, meaning it can be safely retried without causing additional side effects?
Answer: A
- Which method is called by the servlet container when a servlet is initialized?
A) init()
B) doGet()
C) service()
D) destroy()
Answer: A
- Which HTTP status code indicates that the request was understood but requires further action to fulfill it?
A) 200 OK
B) 201 Created
C) 202 Accepted
D) 204 No Content
Answer: C
- What is the purpose of the HttpServletRequest object in a servlet?
A) To send a response to the client
B) To access request parameters and attributes
C) To configure servlet initialization parameters
D) To manage session data
Answer: B
- Which HTTP status code indicates a successful request with no response body?
A) 200 OK
B) 201 Created
C) 204 No Content
D) 206 Partial Content
Answer: C
- In a servlet, how do you redirect the client to a different URL?
A) Using response.forward()
B) Using response.sendRedirect()
C) Using response.route()
D) Using response.setLocation()
Answer: B
- Which method should you override in a servlet to perform cleanup tasks before the servlet is destroyed?
A) init()
B) doGet()
C) service()
D) destroy()
Answer: D
- What does the @WebServlet annotation do in a servlet class?
A) Specifies the servlet’s initialization parameters
B) Maps the servlet to a URL pattern
C) Defines the servlet’s service method
D) Declares a servlet filter
Answer: B
- Which method is responsible for processing the DELETE request in a servlet?
A) doDelete()
B) doGet()
C) doPut()
D) doPost()
Answer: A
- Which HTTP status code indicates a successful request with a response body?
A) 200 OK
B) 201 Created
C) 204 No Content
D) 206 Partial Content
Answer: A
- How do you access request headers in a servlet?
A) Using request.getHeader()
B) Using request.getHeaders()
C) Using request.requestHeader()
D) Using request.retrieveHeader()
Answer: A
- In a servlet, which method should be used to send data to the client?
A) response.sendData()
B) response.writeData()
C) response.getOutputStream()
D) response.getPrintWriter()
Answer: C
- Which HTTP method is typically used for updating existing resources on the server?
Answer: C
- In a servlet, how do you set a response cookie?
A) Using response.setCookie()
B) Using response.addCookie()
C) Using response.setResponseCookie()
D) Using response.addResponseCookie()
Answer: B
- Which method is used to read the content of a request body in a servlet?
A) request.readBody()
B) request.getRequestBody()
C) request.getInputStream()
D) request.getBodyStream()
Answer: C
- In a servlet, how do you access session data?
A) Using request.getSession()
B) Using request.getSessionData()
C) Using request.getSessionAttribute()
D) Using request.getSessionVariable()
Answer: A
- Which method should be used to add a request attribute in a servlet?
A) request.addAttribute()
B) request.setAttribute()
C) request.addRequestAttribute()
D) request.setRequestAttribute()
Answer: B
- What is the purpose of the HttpServletResponse object in a servlet?
A) To configure servlet initialization parameters
B) To access request parameters and attributes
C) To send a response to the client
D) To manage session data
Answer: C
- In a servlet, how do you obtain the client’s IP address?
A) Using request.getIPAddress()
B) Using request.getClientIP()
C) Using request.getRemoteAddr()
D) Using request.getHostAddress()
Answer: C
- Which method should you override to handle exceptions in a servlet?
A) doGet()
B) doPost()
C) service()
D) doError()
Answer: C
- What is the purpose of the web.xml deployment descriptor in a servlet application?
A) To define servlet mappings and configurations
B) To specify the servlet’s implementation class
C) To store session data
D) To define request parameters
Answer: A
- Which HTTP status code indicates that the client must authenticate to access the requested resource?
A) 200 OK
B) 401 Unauthorized
C) 403 Forbidden
D) 500 Internal Server Error
Answer: B
Further Reading
30 MCQs on Assert Method and Annotations in Java
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