More JSTL Examples

This article contains some more JSTL Examples. To begin with, the three tags that provide the functionality of the switch…case statement in Java are discussed. c:choose Tag Basically this tag work like the switch…case statement in Java and provides a mutually exclusive conditional operations. c:when Tag Likewise, the c:when tag works as a Case statement in switch….case statement of Java. Therefore, witin the c:choose tag, …

Running Instructions in an Interactive Interpreter in Python

This article demonstrates several examples of Running Instructions in an Interactive Interpreter in Python. In order to work with a python command-line interpreter, first, you need to install python. After that launch the command prompt and enter the python command as given below. Further instructions can be given on this command-line interpreter. The following code …

A Login Application using JSP, Servlet, and JDBC

The following example shows A Login Application using JSP, Servlet, and JDBC. Specifically, the Login.jsp file creates a client-side form that allows users to enter their credentials. Once, the user enters data and clicks on the Submit button, the LoginServlet executes. Furthermore, the database table used here is named myusers. The following figure shows the data stored in this table. …

Deep Learning Practice Exercise

The following Deep Learning Practice Exercise comprises important deep learning concepts. As a matter of fact, implementing a deep learning algorithm becomes easy with the help of certain python packages. Furthermore. TensorFlow and Keras are two such libraries that you can use in deep learning. While TensorFlow is an open-source library that offers both high-level …

Python Practice Exercise

The following Python Practice Exercise comprises basic programming constructs, control flow, and functions in python. Also, the learner can apply the concepts of data structures like lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries in python applications. Apart from this, it includes the use of object-oriented programming features of python to develop applications. Additionally, the following Python Practice Exercise aims …

Performing Set Operations in LINQ

In this article, I will explain how to perform Set Operations in LINQ. Basically, Language Integrated Query (LINQ) has several query methods for performing set operations such as union, intersection, and set difference. Query Methods for Performing Set Operations in LINQ The following section provides a description of query methods available in LINQ. In fact, …