How to Implement Quick Sort in C#?

The following article describes How to Implement Quick Sort in C#. What is Quick Sort? It must be remembered that, Quick Sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for sorting an array of elements. It works by selecting a pivot element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, depending on whether they are …

How to Implement Merge Sort in C#

This article explains How to Implement Merge Sort in C#. In fact, Merge Sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that sorts an array by recursively dividing it into two halves, sorting the two halves individually. Then merging the two sorted halves back into one final sorted array. Meanwhile, the merging process involves comparing elements …

Selection Sort in C#

This article explains Selection Sort in C#. Like Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort, Selection Sort is also a simple sorting technique. Furthermore, selection sort also works by dividing the list into sorted and unsorted part. Unlike, insertion sort, selection sort finds minimum element from the unsorted list and puts it at the beginning. Further, the …

Insertion Sort in C#

This article explains Insertion Sort in C#. Another simple sorting algorithm is the Insertion Sort. Basically, this algorithm works by first virtually dividing the list in two parts. While, the first part belongs to the sorted list, the other part is unsorted. Further, the agorithm picks an element from the unsorted part and inserts it …

Bubble Sort in C#

This article explains Bubble Sort in C#. Basically, Bubble Sort is the most simple sorting algorithm. In general, bubble sort works by scanning each element of a list. Further, it checks the order of adjacent elements in the list. If the algorithm finds that the adjacent elements are in wrong order, it swaps these elements. …