Performing File Operations in PHP

In this article, I will discuss Performing File Operations in PHP. Since file handling is an important feature in many applications. So, all programming languages offer a library of in-built functions for file handling. As a matter of fact, PHP provides a number of methods to create, read, and manipulate files and directories. The following …

A Brief Description of move_uploaded_file() Function in PHP

This article presents A Brief Description of move_uploaded_file() Function in PHP. For the purpose of uploading a file, we use the move_uploaded(_file() function. Basically, it takes two parameters as the input. While the first parameter indicates the name of the uploaded file. Similarly, the second parameter indicates the location to which the file needs to …

Example of Uploading Files in PHP

An Example of Uploading Files in PHP is shown here. Applications and Use of Uploading Files in PHP Because many dynamic applications provide features for users to upload files, it is one of the most essential functions of a web application. Significantly, many CMS (Content Management Systems) allows administrators to upload images as well as …

Understanding Cookies in PHP

As a matter of fact, understanding Cookies in PHP requires learning to use the setcookie() method. Cookies in PHP allow us to store a small amount of client information. In fact, cookies are very useful in tracking users. A website may want to know the navigation behavior of its users. So, cookies help website administrators …

Introduction to Android App Development

In this article on Introduction to Android App Development, I will discuss briefly about Android App Development and its origin. Actually, Android App Development started in the year 2007. Brief Introduction to Android App Development Basically, Android app development is the process of creating software applications that run on the Android operating system. So, it …

Examples of Global Variables in PHP

In this article on Examples of Global Variables in PHP, I will explain how to create and use global variables. Basically, there are 9 superglobals in PHP which remain available throughout the scripts. In other words, these superglobals can be accessed in any part of the script. These superglobals include $GLOBALS, $_SERVER, $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST, …