Today I will explain how to include advertisements in a web application by providing Examples of AdRotator Control in ASP.NET. To begin with, the AdRotator control displays an advertisement banner on a web page of a website. For this purpose, ASP.NET provides a class known asAdRotator in the namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls. Hoe Does AdRotator Control Displays Advertisements In order …
Examples of Validation Controls in ASP.NET
Basically, validation is one of the most significant tasks in creating a web application. This article will provide several examples of Validation Controls in ASP.NET. Validation Controls in ASP.NET In fact, ASP.NET provides following six types of validation controls that you can use to validate the data of a Web Form. RequiredFieldValidator CompareValidator RangeValidator RegularExpressionValidator CustomValidator ValidationSummary Required Field …
Understanding Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript
In this post on Understanding Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript, I will explain the Document Object Model (DOM) API. JavaScript is all about making your web page dynamic. Once you have decided that all HTML on the page is dynamic, you need appropriate features to do that and the Document Object Model (DOM) provides …
Python Project Ideas for Undergraduate Students
Python is a versatile programming language that students love to work with. Accordingly, it will remain one of the most popular languages in the coming years. Hence, when you start learning python, it is helpful to develop some projects. It will enable you to develop a practical approach to learning the language. Therefore, here we list some of the Python Project …
PHP Projects for Undergraduate Students
Although several different programming languages have gained popularity in recent years, the PHP language still remains popular among students. Since the best way to learn a language is by developing a project, students should develop some real-life projects during their college years. Accordingly, here you can get some ideas for creating some innovative PHP Projects. …
Understanding JSON Web Tokens
In this post on Understanding JSON Web Tokens, I will explain the concept of JWT. Basically, JWT or JSON Web Token is a way of securely transferring information between parties. The transfer of information takes place as JSON objects rather than plain text. Since this information is digitally signed, it can be verified also. Hence, the information …
Grouping Queries in LINQ
To begin with, this post aims to make you understand Grouping Queries in LINQ. Basically, we need to group data whenever the data elements exhibit a certain common feature. In other words, some of the members of a sequence share a specific value for an attribute while other members may have another value for that …
Generic Binary Search in C#
Today I will explain the Generic Binary Search in C#. Basically, Binary Search is a technique that is used to find a target value from a list of values. In general, Binary Search takes a list of values as input and searches for a target value by dividing the list into two equal halves in …
Understanding the Quantifiers in LINQ
In this post on Understanding the Quantifiers in LINQ, I will explain the three quantifier operators – Any, All, and Contains. Basically, we use quantifiers when we need to determine how many elements in a sequence satisfy a particular condition. Nevertheless, we encounter situations where we need to seek whether all members of the sequence …
Join Operation using LINQ
This article will demonstrate the Join Operation using LINQ. Whenever you want to write an SQL-like join query using LINQ, you can use the LINQ join operator. In order to perform the join operation on two or more data sources, it is required that those data sources must have some common value. Significantly, all the join operations that we …