In this article, I will provide an introduction to Programming With Python. Basically, Python is a general-purpose programming language. Furthermore, it is a high-level language. In fact, python is one of the most popular programming languages. Because it enables programmers to write applications for a wide range of domains. Evidently, anyone who is just beginning with programming finds it easy to learn. However, advanced-level programmers also prefer to use it. The following list specifies the most popular application areas of python.
- Image Processing. In fact, OpenCV library of python makes it simple to write image processing applications. However, there are other libraries such as Pillow, and Scikit-image.
- Data Visualization. Likewise, python has many packages for data visualization. For instance, seaborn is one such package.
- Machine Learning. Similarly, there are several packages in python that offer popular machine learning functions. For example, we can use scikit-learn package.
- Deep Learning. Also, python has packages that contain deep learning functions. For instance we can use tensorflow, and keras package in python.
- GUI Development. Basically, tkinter is a GUI library in python.
- Web Development. In fact, python has robust and feature-rich frameworks for web development such as Django.
- Text Summarization. Also, python has many packages for text summarization. For example, we can use SpaCy for it.
- Web Scraping. Similarly python makes web scraping easier. For this purpose we can use BeautifulSoup library.
- Likewise, we can perform video analysis using python libraries.
- Furthermore, we have multimedia and animation library in python. For instance, Pygame is one such library.
Examples to Learn Programming With Python
The following code shows how to display a string on the console. Basically, it is a beginner’s level program to start working with python.
# Print Hello Message
Further Reading
How to Implement Inheritance in Python
Find Prime Numbers in Given Range in Python
Running Instructions in an Interactive Interpreter in Python
Deep Learning Practice Exercise
Deep Learning Methods for Object Detection
Image Contrast Enhancement using Histogram Equalization
Transfer Learning and its Applications
Examples of OpenCV Library in Python
Understanding Blockchain Concepts
Example of Multi-layer Perceptron Classifier in Python
Measuring Performance of Classification using Confusion Matrix
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Model using Scikit-Learn
Popular Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction
Long Short Term Memory – An Artificial Recurrent Neural Network Architecture
Python Project Ideas for Undergraduate Students
Creating Basic Charts using Plotly
Visualizing Regression Models with lmplot() and residplot() in Seaborn
Data Visualization with Pandas