How to Create a Multi-Page Document in HTML

In this article, I will describe How to Create a Multi-Page Document in HTML.

For this purpose, we will develop an HTML application that contains a home page and five other pages. Accordingly, the problem statement is given below.

Create an HTML document containing following five pages.

  1. Create a web page containing information about formatting styles and headings. The following styles should be there: Bold, italics, Underline, Strike, Subscript, superscript and all six type of headings
  2. Another web page should contain Font Styles and Image tag
  3. The next page should contain Marquee: Move text, image and hyperlink
  4. Finally, create a web page containing other tags: br, hr, pre, p.
  5. Also, create a home page containing links to all the above pages.

When you create above pages, include following specifications.

  • Specifically, in all these web pages only mention about use, attributes and how to apply them. Furthermore, insert a background image on home page.
  • Also, the topics that each page contains should have links to other pages.
  • Therefore, use hyperlinks for the topics that navigate to some other page for description.
  • Insert a marquee showing HTML Tutorial as moving text.
  • Also, use different font style for different topics.
  • On every page, make a hyperlink for going back to home page and internal link also.

The following figure shows the output.

An Example Demonstrating How to Create a Multi-Page Document in HTML
An Example Demonstrating How to Create a Multi-Page Document in HTML


Further Reading

Evolution of JavaScript from ES1 to ES2020

Introduction to HTML DOM Methods in JavaScript

JavaScript Practice Exercise

Understanding Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript

Understanding HTTP Requests and Responses

What is Asynchronous JavaScript?

JavaScript Code for Event Handling


IITM Software Development Cell

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