The following code shows an Example of hasAttribute() and setAttribute() Methods in JavaScript. While the hasAttribute() determines whether a specific attribute is used in a tag. On the other hand, the setAttribute() method assigns a value to a particular attribute.


Illustrating an Example of hasAttribute() and setAttribute() Methods in JavaScript

The following HTML document contains two anchor elements. Also, they have the target attribute with “_self” value. Further, there is a button that has an event handler method f1() for the click event. When a user clicks on the button the function f1() executes. At first, the function finds out whether the hyperlinks have a target attribute using the hasAttribute() method. In case it is there, the setAttribute() method changes the value of the target attribute to “_blank”.

Therefore, when a user opens the document in a browser and clicks on the hyperlinks, it will open the page in the same tab. When a user clicks on the button and then clicks on the hyperlink the pages will be opened in a separate tab.

  <title>hasAttribute Method Demo</title>
     function f1()
        var v1=document.getElementById("d2"); 
	var x1=document.getElementsByTagName("a");
               x1[i].setAttribute("target", "_blank");
       str="Clicking on above URLs will now open them in a new tab";	
       border: 4px solid #33ff99;
       border-radius: 10px;
       background-color: #5566aa;
       color: #aaffff;
       font-size: 20px;
       text-align: center;
       padding: 10px;
		margin: 50px;
       background-color: #ddeeff;
       color: #ff5566;
       font-size: 25px;
       text-align: left;
       padding: 5px;
       width: 600px;
  <div id="d1" class="c2"><br/><br/>
     Example of hasAttribute() Method<br/>
     Clicking on these URLs will now open them in the current tab
	<a class="a1" href="http:\\" target="_self">Programmingempire</a>
        <a class="a1" href="http:\\" target="_self">Princites</a>     
     <button id="b7" class="c1" onclick="f1()">Set Target Attribute</button>
     <div class="c2" id="d2" style="display:none;"></div>


The Output of the Example of hasAttribute() and setAttribute() Methods in JavaScript
The Output of the Example of hasAttribute() and setAttribute() Methods in JavaScript

Further Reading

Evolution of JavaScript from ES1 to ES2020

Introduction to HTML DOM Methods in JavaScript

JavaScript Practice Exercise

Creating User-Defined Functions in javaScript

Popup Boxes in JavaScript
