The following code shows an example of using static variable in a function in PHP.

When we use static variable in a function in PHP, it retains its value across function calls. In other words, the value updated by the function for a static variable is retained even after the function returns. Subsequent calls to the same function use the updated values.

The Example Code to Demonstrate Static Variable in a Function in PHP

In the following code, the variable x is static in the function myfunction(). When the first function call updates the value of x to 10, the variable x retains its value. In all subsequent function calls, the update value is used.

   function myfunction()
      static $x=0;
      echo 'Value of static variable x = ',$x,'<br>';
      echo 'Value of non-static variable y = ',$y,'<br>';
    echo 'First Function Call...<br>';
    echo 'Second Function Call...<br>';
    echo 'Third Function Call...<br>';


Example of  using static variable in a function in PHP
Example of using static variable in a function in PHP

Apart from using static in a function, we can have static properties and methods in a class also. An example of using static keyword with properties and methods of a class is given here.

Further Reading

Examples of Array Functions in PHP

Basic Programs in PHP

Registration Form Using PDO in PHP

Inserting Information from Multiple CheckBox Selection in a Database Table in PHP

PHP Projects for Undergraduate Students

Architectural Constraints of REST API

REST API Concepts

Creating a Classified Ads Application in PHP
