February 5, 2022
In this article on Working with Arrays in JavaScript, I will explain how to create and use arrays in JavaScript. Certainly, you will find lots of examples of JavaScript arrays here.
For the purpose of creating an array, we can initialize it with values. Also, we can use the Array() constructor. The following examples demonstrate how to create arrays.
var a1=[2, 5, 9, 8, 4, 10];
var a2=[12, 18, 'abc', 90.8, 1, 2, 'hello'];
var a3=Array(6,1,3);
var a4=Array(10);
Working with Arrays in JavaScript Using Built-In Methods
concat(): This method helps us in combining two or more arrays to create a single large array.
join(): In order to join the elements of an array by using a separator, we use the join method.
push(): Basically, this method inserts an element at the last position in an array.
pop(): Similarly, the pop() method displays the last element from the array and removes it.
reverse(): In order to reverse the elements in an array we use the reverse() method.
sort(): Likewise, the sort() method sorts the elements of an array in ascending order.
indexOf() method returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the array. In case, the element is not there, it returns -1.
Likewise, the lastIndexOf() method starts searching the array starting from the last element and searches backward. In case, the element is not there, it returns -1.
Further Reading
Evolution of JavaScript from ES1 to ES2020
Introduction to HTML DOM Methods in JavaScript
Understanding Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript
What is Asynchronous JavaScript?
JavaScript Code for Event Handling
Callback Functions in JavaScript
Understanding HTTP Requests and Responses
Show or Hide TextBox when Selection Changed in JavaScript
Changing Style of HTML Elements using getElementsByClassName() Method