Given below are some of the JavaScript Frequently Asked Questions.
- What is JavaScript?
- What are the features of JavaScript?
- How to use Internal and external JavaScript?
- Discuss the data types used in JavaScript?
- What is meant by event handling? Describe the different type of events that we can handle using JavaScript?
- What is a function? How to create a function in JavaScript?
- Explain the different types of loops used in JavaScript?
- What is the purpose of if statement? Give an example in JavaScript.
- Give examples of using different types of operators in JavaScript.
- How to create an array in JavaScript? Give an example.
- Give examples of array methods in JavaScript.
- Explain Date object and its methods.
- Explain String object and its methods.
- What is Document Object Model?
- What is Browser Object Model?
- How to perform input validation in JavaScript?
- What are different types of objects in JavaScript?
- How do you display date in different format?
- How do these methods of String object in JavaScript work – indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), substr()
- What is the purpose of ID and Class attributes in HTML? How do we use Id and class in JavaScript.
- What is the use of getElementById()?
- What is the use of getElementsByClassName()?
- Discuss the use of getElementsByTagName()?
- What is the use of querySelector()?
- Explain the use of addEventListener()?
- How many objects are there in Browser Object Model and what are these objects?
- What is the purpose of window object?
- Describe the purpose of screen object?
- What is the purpose of location object?
- Discuss the purpose of navigator object?
- What is the purpose of history object?
Further Reading
Evolution of JavaScript from ES1 to ES2020
Introduction to HTML DOM Methods in JavaScript
Understanding Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript
Understanding HTTP Requests and Responses
What is Asynchronous JavaScript?
JavaScript Code for Event Handling
Callback Functions in JavaScript
Show or Hide TextBox when Selection Changed in JavaScript
Changing Style of HTML Elements using getElementsByClassName() Method