How to Choose Compute Types in Amazon SageMaker?

In this blog, I will discuss How to Choose Compute Types in Amazon SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker provides a range of compute instance types to choose from, and selecting the right compute type is an important decision when building and training machine learning models. The choice of compute type depends on various factors, including the size …


Applications of Web Assembly

In this blog, I will discuss Applications of Web Assembly. WebAssembly (often abbreviated as wasm) is a binary instruction format that enables high-performance execution of code on web browsers. It is designed to be a portable compilation target for high-level programming languages like C, C++, Rust, and others. WebAssembly has a wide range of applications …


How to Incorporate Generative AI in Teaching?

In this blog, I will discuss How to Incorporate Generative AI in Teaching. Generative AI, such as language models like GPT-3, can be a valuable tool in teaching and learning across various subjects. Here are some ways in which generative AI can be applied in educational settings: Content Generation: Generating Textbooks and Educational Materials: Generative …


How to Integrate AI Tools in Teaching and Learning?

In this blog, I will discuss How to Integrate AI Tools in Teaching and Learning. AI Tools for Teaching and Learning There are numerous AI tools available for teaching and learning, each designed to enhance various aspects of the educational experience. Here are some categories of AI tools and examples within each category: Personalized Learning: …

PHP, React

PHP or ReactJS? How to Choose?

In this blog, I will discuss how to choose PHP or ReactJS for your project development. PHP and ReactJS are two entirely different technologies, and your choice between them depends on your project requirements and your specific use case. Here’s a brief comparison to help you decide: PHP Server-Side Language: PHP is a server-side scripting …


30+ Interview Questions on ReactJS

This blog provides 30+ Interview Questions on ReactJS along with the answers. Here’s a list of over 30 interview questions on ReactJS that can help you prepare for a ReactJS interview: General ReactJS Questions What is ReactJS, and why is it used? Explain the key features of React. What are the advantages of using React …


How to Create a Bar Chart in ReactJS?

In this blog, I will explain How to Create a Bar Chart in ReactJS. Creating a bar chart in ReactJS involves using a charting library like react-chartjs-2, which is a React wrapper for the popular Chart.js library. In this example, I’ll show you how to create a simple bar chart using react-chartjs-2. First, make sure …

Digital Twins

What is a Digital Twin?

In this blog, I will explain What is a Digital Twin. A digital twin is a virtual representation or replica of a physical object, system, or process. It is created using data from sensors, real-time monitoring, and other sources to simulate and mirror the real-world counterpart. Digital twins are used in various fields, including manufacturing, …

Augmented Reality

Exploring Augmented Reality Apps and Their Impact

In this blog on Exploring Augmented Reality Apps and Their Impact, I will discuss some apps of AR and how they influence the world. Introduction In the realm of technology, few advancements have captured our imagination quite like Augmented Reality (AR). It’s a technology that has moved from science fiction to everyday life, enriching our …