
Best Practices for Writing Efficient JSP Code

The following article presents Best Practices for Writing Efficient JSP Code. The following list shows some best practices for writing efficient JSP (JavaServer Pages) code. List of Best Practices for Writing Efficient JSP Code Minimize scriptlets. Avoid using scriptlets (<% %>), which embed Java code directly into your JSP page. Instead, use JSTL (JSP Standard …

Smart City

The Ethics of Smart City Data Collection and Use

In this article, I will discuss The Ethics of Smart City Data Collection and Use. Basically, Smart cities rely on the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data to provide services to their citizens. While this data can provide many benefits, it also raises ethical concerns around privacy, consent, and discrimination. Key Considerations for …

Smart City

Privacy by Design: Building Privacy and Security into Smart City Technology

In this article, I will discuss key considerations for Building Privacy and Security into Smart City Technology. Basically, Privacy by Design (PbD) is an approach to building privacy and security in the design of technology, products, and services. In the context of smart cities, PbD can help ensure that privacy and security are integrated into …

Smart City

Engaging Citizens in Smart City Security: Strategies for Building Trust and Collaboration

As smart cities continue to develop, it’s essential to engage citizens in the design and implementation of smart city security measures. Hence, building trust and collaboration between citizens and smart city stakeholders is key to ensuring the successful and effective use of security technologies. The following section provides some strategies for engaging citizens in smart …

Smart City

Benefits and Challenges of Using Drones in Smart Cities

Using drones in smart cities can have several benefits and challenges. The following list shows some of the potential benefits. Improving public safety. In fact, drones can be used to monitor traffic, identify and respond to emergencies, and even assist with search and rescue missions. Enhancing environmental monitoring. Likewise, drones can be used to monitor …

Smart City

The Rise of Smart Cities: What You Need to Know

The rise of Smart Cities is an exciting and rapidly evolving phenomenon that is transforming the way we live, work, and interact with the urban environment. The following section shows some key things you need to know about the rise of Smart Cities. Smart cities are urban areas that use technology and data to improve …

Smart City

Revolutionizing Urban Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Smart Cities

The following article “Revolutionizing Urban Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Smart Cities” provides a brief tutorial on smart cities. A Guide to Smart Cities What are Smart Cities. An introduction to the concept of Smart Cities. Also, it includes a definition of what they are, how they work, and why they’re important. Examples of Smart …

Machine Learning

Hyperparameters in an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

In this article, I will explain Hyperparameters in an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Basically, hyperparameters are user-defined parameters that are not learned by the neural network during training. Instead, they are set by the user prior to training. In fact, hyperparameters control various aspects of the training process, including the architecture of the network, the …

Machine Learning

Vanishing and Exploding Gradient Descent

In this article, I will explain Vanishing and Exploding Gradient Descent. What is Gradient Descent? Basically, Gradient Descent is a widely used optimization algorithm in machine learning to minimize the loss function during the training process of a neural network. Vanishing Gradient However, in deep neural networks, the gradients may become too small or too …


Exploring the World of Image Recognition with FiftyOne Zoo

In this article, I will explain how to perform Image Recognition with FiftyOne Zoo dataset. To begin with, The FiftyOne Zoo dataset is a collection of diverse, high-quality, pre-built datasets that are ready for use with the FiftyOne tool. Actually, it is a Python package for exploratory analysis and debugging of computer vision models. As …