The following example code demonstrates how to Perform Interest Calculation Using a Servlet.

Here’s an example of a simple interest calculator web page using a Servlet in Java.

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class InterestServlet extends HttpServlet {

  protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    double principle = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("principle"));
    double rate = Double.parseDouble(request.getParameter("rate"));
    int time = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("time"));
    double interest = (principle * rate * time) / 100;
    request.setAttribute("interest", interest);
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("/interest-result.jsp");
    dispatcher.forward(request, response);

Here is an example of the JSP page, interest-result.jsp.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Interest Calculator Result</title>
  <h1>Interest Calculator Result</h1>
  <p>Interest: ${interest}</p>

In this example, the InterestServlet class extends the HttpServlet class and overrides the doGet method. The doGet method calculates the interest based on the principle, rate, and time entered by the user and sets the result as an attribute in the request. The request is then forwarded to the interest-result.jsp page, which displays the interest result to the user.

Further Reading

Understanding Enterprise Java Beans

Java Practice Exercise

