The following article describes Different Types of JSP Tags.
There are three types of JSP tags.
- Standard tags. These are a set of predefined tags provided by Java EE that can be used to perform tasks such as iteration, conditionals, and variable assignment. Standard tags are divided into several categories, including:
- Core tags. These tags provide basic functionality for JSP pages, such as iteration, conditionals, and variable assignment. For Example.
<c:forEach items="${employees}" var="employee">
3. Formatting tags. These tags provide formatting capabilities for JSP pages, such as the date and number formatting. For Example.
<fmt:formatDate value="${today}" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" />
4. SQL tags. These tags provide database access capabilities for JSP pages, such as querying and updating databases. For Example.
<sql:queryvar="employees" dataSource="${dataSource}">
SELECT * FROM employees;
5. Custom tags. These are user-defined tags that can be created to perform specific tasks in a JSP page. Custom tags are typically used to extend the functionality of JSP pages beyond what is provided by the standard tags. For Example.
<my:customTag param1="value1" param2="value2" />
6. Expression Language (EL) tags. These tags are used to evaluate expressions and perform operations on a JSP page. EL tags are used to access data stored in the JSP page or in the application’s data model. For Example.
Overall, JSP tags provide a powerful and flexible way to perform various tasks on a JSP page and can help to improve code modularity, readability, and maintainability.