
What are the Important Concepts in Django?

The following article describes the Important Concepts in Django.

The List of Important Concepts in Django

The following list shows some important concepts in Django.

  1. Models defines the structure of data in Django and is used to interact with the database.
  2. Likewise, Views handle the user requests and render the content to the user by using templates.
  3. Similarly, Templates define how the data should be presented to the user and can be reused across different views.
  4. Furthermore, URL Conf maps URLs to views and is used for handling URL routing.
  5. In similar manner, Middleware provides a way to process requests and responses globally, before and after views are executed.
  6. Basically, in Django, we use the Forms for handling user inputs and validate the data before it stores it in the database.
  7. As a matter of fact, Django offers the Administration site. In fact, the Administration site is a built-in web interface for managing the data in the application.
  8. Likewise, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) maps the database tables to Python objects and provides a way to interact with the database using Python code.
  9. Also, the Migrations represent a way to manage database schema changes and apply them to the database.

To summarize, these are some of the key concepts in Django, which form the building blocks of a Django web application. In other words, these concepts are essential for building a Django app.

Further Reading

Introduction to Django Framework and its Features

Django Practice Exercise

Creating a Simple App in Django

Installing Django on Windows

Bringing Life to your Web Pages with Django Views

Django models: Elevating your web application to the next level

How to Perform Routing with Django URL conf?


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