ASP.NET is a technology for creating dynamic websites. Since, learning any technology starts by writing code, here is an ASP.NET Practice Exercise, that you can use to learn ASP.NET.
ASP.NET Practice Exercise
- Since, the simplest web page requires the use of these two basic controls, write a program for using Label and TextBox controls.
- Another important control from Visual Studio ToolBox is the Button control. Write a program for using Button, LinkButton control
- Write a program using ImageButton Control and demonstrate CommandName and CommandArgument properties.
- For the purpose of getting information about user’s hobbies and the highest qualification write a program using CheckBox control and RadioButton control.
- Create a Web application to demonstrate different properties of the Image control.
- Since a Panel control is used to group other controls, write a program to demonstrate the Panel control to show a Login Panel and a Registration Panel.
- Write a program to demonstrate following validation controls
- To illustrate uploading files on the server write a program using FileUpload control.
- In order to show various properties of the Calendar control create a web application. Also, demonstrate the event handling by the Calendar control.
- Write a program to display advertisements using the AdRotator control.
- Create a web application to display data in a database table with GridView Control.
- Also, perform data Manipulation using GridView.
- In order to demonstrate Data Binding using DataGrid control create a web application.
- As an illustration, show how to delete records through DataGrid control.
- Also, show how to add and update records using DataGrid control.
- Write a program to Bind data to DataList
- Create a web application to Build a DataSet and display it in a Web Control.
- Also, illustrate how to build a DataSet with Relationships.
- Create an application to demonstrate cookies.
- Write a program to store database data in Session State.
- As an illustration of Login Control, write a program to demonstrate the Login control.
- For the purpose of demonstrating Forms-based Authentication, create a web application.
- Create an application to show Page Output Caching.
- Also, demonstrate Varying output cache by control.
- Write a program to load XML data to DataSet.
- Also, write a program to read XML data and bind it to DataGrid
- In order to display XML data in GridView and a ListBox, create a web application.
- Write a program to create a Web Service.
Further Reading
Parameter and ParameterCollection in ADO.NET
Database Manipulation Using DataGrid
Example of Button and Link Button Control in ASP.NET
Example of Chart Control in ASP.NET
Creating a DataTable from a DataReader in ASP.NET
Deleting a Record using DataGrid Control in ASP.NET
Edit a Record Using DataGrid Control in ASP.NET
Insert a Record Using ItemCommand Event in DataGrid
CRUD Operations with DataGrid in ASP.NET
Creating Columns in a DataGrid Control
XML Documents and DataSet in ASP.NET
ASP.NET Core Features and Advantages
Display Images Using DataList Control
Adding Images Using Image Control
Creating a Group of Radio Buttons Using RadioButtonList Control
Example of Button Control in ASP.NET
ItemDataBound Event in DataList
More Features of DataList in ASP.NET
A Simple Example of Using a DataList Control in ASP.NET
Properties and Methods of DataList Control in ASP.NET
Exploring DataList Control in ASP.NET
Custom Validator Control in ASP.NET
Validation Summary Control in ASP.NET
Validation Controls Examples – RequiredFieldValidator, CompareValidator, and RangeValidator
An Example of Data Binding with RadioButtonList Control
Binding Data to Web Control in ADO.NET
Examples of AdRotator Control in ASP.NET