
Top 20 Interview Questions on Kotlin

The following article provides the Top 20 Interview Questions on Kotlin. Also, the solutions are available on a separate link.

The following list contains some important interview questions on Kotlin.

Top 20 Interview Questions on Kotlin and Their Solutions

  1. What is Kotlin, and how is it different from Java?
  2. Discuss some of the key features of Kotlin that make it a popular programming language.
  3. What are the advantages that we get by using Kotlin for Android app development?
  4. How do null safety features in Kotlin help prevent runtime errors?
  5. What is the difference between a val and a var in Kotlin?
  6. When do we use data class in Kotlin? Explain data class in Kotlin, and how is it used.
  7. How do extension functions and properties work in Kotlin?
  8. What is a companion object in Kotlin, and how is it used?
  9. How does Kotlin support functional programming?
  10. Discuss a sealed class in Kotlin, and how is it used?
  11. What is the purpose of the “when” expression in Kotlin?
  12. Explain the difference between the “is” and “as” keywords in Kotlin?
  13. How does Kotlin support coroutines for asynchronous programming?
  14. What is the purpose of the “lateinit” keyword in Kotlin?
  15. How does Kotlin support interoperability with Java code?
  16. What is the purpose of the “by lazy” keyword in Kotlin?
  17. How does Kotlin support higher-order functions?
  18. When do we use type inference in Kotlin? How does Kotlin support type inference?
  19. What is the purpose of the “inline” keyword in Kotlin?
  20. When do we use extension functions in Kotlin? How does Kotlin support extension functions for Java classes?

Further Reading

Constructors in Kotlin


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