What Are AWS Availability Zones?

The following article describes What Are AWS Availability Zones. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Availability Zones (AZs) are isolated data centers within a specific AWS region. They are designed to provide high availability, fault tolerance, and resilience to failures. Each Availability Zone is a physically separate and independent data center facility, with its own power, cooling, …


What is AWS CloudWatch?

In this article, I will explain What is AWS CloudWatch. Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). CloudWatch enables you to collect, monitor, and analyze various metrics, logs, and events from your AWS resources and applications in real-time. It helps you gain insights into the performance, health, and …


Applications of AWS CloudFront

This article describes the Applications of AWS CloudFront. Amazon CloudFront is a versatile content delivery network (CDN) service with a wide range of applications across different industries and use cases. Common Applications of AWS CloudFront The following list shows some common applications of AWS CloudFront. Website Content Delivery. CloudFront accelerates the delivery of web content …


What is AWS CloudFront?

In this article, I will explain What is AWS CloudFront. Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). CloudFront is designed to distribute content, including web pages, images, videos, and other static and dynamic assets, to users around the world with low latency and high data transfer speeds. …


What is AWS Identity And Access Management (IAM)?

In this article, I will explain What is AWS Identity And Access Management (IAM). AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables you to securely manage access to your AWS resources. IAM allows you to create and control users, groups, and permissions, making it easier …


What is Amazon Key Management Service (KMS)?

In this article, I will explain What is Amazon Key Management Service (KMS). Basically, Amazon Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data. KMS simplifies the process of managing cryptographic keys and helps you …


What Are AWS Security Groups?

In this article, I will discuss What Are AWS Security Groups. Indeed, AWS Security Groups are a fundamental aspect of Amazon Web Services (AWS) networking and security. They act as virtual firewalls that control inbound and outbound traffic to and from AWS resources, such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon RDS databases, and Amazon Redshift clusters. …


What is DynamoDB?

In this article, I will explain What is DynamoDB. Basically, Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed for applications that require fast and predictable performance, scalability, and low-latency data access. Also, DynamoDB is particularly well-suited for handling large amounts of data and accommodating rapidly …


Applications of Kibana

In this article, I will discuss some Applications of Kibana. Kibana has a wide range of applications across various industries and use cases due to its data visualization and exploration capabilities. Common Applications of Kibana The following list shows some of the common applications of Kibana. Log and Event Analysis. Because you can use Kibana …