MERN Stack

MERN Stack Practice Exercise

Welcome to the MERN Stack Practice Exercise!

This comprehensive set of programming challenges is designed to enhance your skills in building web applications using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. From task management to user authentication, weather applications to blogging platforms, this collection covers a diverse range of projects that will help you master various aspects of full-stack development. Whether you are a beginner looking to strengthen your foundation or an experienced developer aiming to expand your proficiency, these exercises provide an excellent opportunity to apply and reinforce your knowledge in a practical and hands-on manner. Each program comes with a unique set of requirements and technologies, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience. Get ready to delve into the world of MERN stack development and elevate your skills through these engaging and challenging projects!

A Comprehensive MERN Stack Practice Exercise

  1. Develop a task tracker application with ES6 classes for task management.
  2. Create a weather application using the Fetch API and Promises, with error handling and async/await.
  3. Build a quiz game using arrow functions, template literals, and default parameters.
  4. Implement a shopping cart application with array methods like map and filter.
  5. Design a user authentication system using ES6 classes and private class fields/methods.
  6. Develop a promise-based image loader for asynchronous loading of multiple images.
  7. Build a blogging system with ES6 modules for posts, comments, and user authentication.
  8. Create a currency converter application with real-time exchange rates using async/await.
  9. Fetch weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API and display it in your application.
  10. Retrieve and display GitHub user information by making a request to the GitHub API.
  11. Create a book search application that fetches book details from the Google Books API based on user input.
  12. Build a random quote generator by fetching quotes from the API and displaying them dynamically.
  13. Implement a to-do list application that communicates with a server to add, update, or delete tasks using AJAX requests.
  14. Create a Counter App using Pure React that displays a count and allows users to increment it.
  15. Develop a Todo List App using Pure React where users can add new todos and view the existing ones.
  16. Build a Product List App with filtering capabilities based on categories, using Pure React.
  17. Implement a User Registration Form using Pure React that captures user details like username, email, and password.
  18. Develop a Dynamic Content Toggle App using Pure React that allows users to toggle the visibility of dynamic content on the page.
  19. Develop a Task Management App using Redux, where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. Utilize a REST API to persist task data.
  20. Create a User Authentication App with Redux, implementing features like user registration, login, and logout. Store user data in JSON format and interact with a REST API for authentication.
  21. Build a Product Inventory App using Redux to manage products. Integrate a REST API to fetch and display product information, and use JSON for data representation.
  22. Implement a Blog Post App with Redux, allowing users to create, edit, and delete blog posts. Utilize a REST API for managing blog post data, and store post content in JSON format.
  23. Develop a Weather Forecast App with Redux that fetches weather data from a REST API, displays the information, and allows users to filter by location. Store the data in JSON format for efficient retrieval.
  24. Create a Task Management App using Angular, where users can perform CRUD operations on tasks, and utilize Angular services to interact with a REST API for data persistence.
  25. Build a User Profile App with Angular, allowing users to register, log in, and view/edit their profiles. Integrate JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and communicate with a REST API for user data.
  26. Develop a Product Catalog App using Angular, where users can browse products, view details, and add items to their shopping cart. Utilize Angular components and services to interact with a RESTful API for product data.
  27. Implement a Blogging Platform using Angular, enabling users to create, edit, and delete blog posts. Use Angular forms for input validation and communicate with a RESTful API to manage blog post data.
  28. Build a Weather Forecast App with Angular that fetches and displays weather information for a chosen location. Utilize Angular services to interact with a REST API providing real-time weather data in JSON format.
  29. Develop a Task Scheduler Application using Node.js, allowing users to schedule and manage tasks. Implement RESTful API endpoints to handle task CRUD operations.
  30. Create a User Authentication System using Node.js, including features such as user registration, login, and logout. Utilize JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication.
  31. Build a Real-time Chat Application using Node.js and WebSocket, enabling users to join chat rooms, send messages, and receive instant updates.
  32. Implement a File Upload Service using Node.js, allowing users to upload files, manage their uploads, and retrieve file information through REST API endpoints.
  33. Develop a Blogging Platform using Node.js, where users can create, edit, and delete blog posts. Implement RESTful API endpoints to handle blog post data and integrate with a database for persistence.
  34. Develop a Task Management API using Express.js, providing endpoints for CRUD operations on tasks. Include features like task creation, updating, and deletion.
  35. Create a User Authentication API using Express.js, implementing endpoints for user registration, login, and logout. Utilize JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication.
  36. Build a Real-time Chat API using Express.js and WebSocket, enabling clients to connect, send messages, and receive real-time updates in chat rooms.
  37. Implement a File Upload API using Express.js, allowing clients to upload files and retrieve information about their uploads through RESTful endpoints.
  38. Develop a Blogging API using Express.js, providing endpoints for creating, updating, and deleting blog posts. Integrate with a database for data persistence.
  39. Develop a Task Manager application with React, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, allowing users to manage tasks through a seamless connection between the front-end and back-end.
  40. Create a User Authentication System with React, Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, implementing user registration, login, and logout functionalities with secure storage of user data.
  41. Build a Real-time Chat Application with Angular, Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, utilizing WebSocket for instant communication and ensuring synchronization between the client and server.
  42. Implement a File Upload and Storage System using React, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Enable users to upload files, store them in MongoDB, and manage file data.
  43. Develop a Blogging Platform with Angular, Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB, allowing users to create, update, and delete blog posts while ensuring smooth communication between the client and server.

Further Reading

JUnit Tutorial

How Promises Work in ES6?

Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions

30 MCQs on JUnit

From Google to the World: The Story of Go Programming Language

Why Go? Understanding the Advantages of this Emerging Language

Creating and Executing Simple Programs in Go

20+ Interview Questions on Go Programming Language

100+ MCQs On Java Architecture

Java Practice Exercise



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