Features and Benefits of PHP Data Objects and How to Use

In this article, I will discuss the Features and Benefits of PHP Data Objects and how to use it with a MySQL database.

In fact, PDO is an API that we can use to access a database. Unlike MySQLi, we can use PDO with a number of databases. For instance, PDO supports MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and there are many more. But MySQLi supports only MySQL database and MariaDB. You can find more information on MySQLi here (

The following section describes the Features and Benefits of PHP Data Objects

Features of PDO

Accessing the database with PDO is fast and consistent. Basically, the PDO API provides a database access layer. Hence it is more secure.

The PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means developers can write database-agnostic code that can work with different types of databases by changing only the connection parameters. The following are the main features of PDO:

  1. Database Agnosticism. In particular, PDO allows you to switch between different database systems, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, with minimal changes to your code.
  2. Prepared Statements. Furthermore, PDO supports prepared statements, which provide a secure and efficient way to execute the same SQL statement multiple times with different parameters.
  3. Exception Handling: PDO provides an exception-based error handling mechanism, which makes it easier to catch and handle errors.
  4. Transactions: PDO provides support for database transactions, which allow you to execute multiple database operations as a single, atomic unit of work.
  5. Lazy Connections: PDO only establishes a database connection when it is actually needed, which can improve performance.
  6. Column Meta Information: PDO provides meta information about columns in a result set, such as the data type, column name, and maximum length.
  7. Unified API: PDO provides a unified API for working with different database systems, which makes it easier to write portable code.

Overall, PDO provides a simple and consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP, which makes it easier to write secure and maintainable code.Regenerate response

Benefits of PDO

The following are the main benefits of using PHP Data Objects (PDO) in PHP:

  1. Database Agnosticism. In fact, PDO allows you to switch between different database systems, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, with minimal changes to your code, making it easy to write portable applications.
  2. Prepared Statements. Likewise, PDO supports prepared statements, which provide a secure and efficient way to execute the same SQL statement multiple times with different parameters, reducing the risk of SQL injection attacks.
  3. Exception Handling. Also, PDO provides an exception-based error handling mechanism, making it easier to catch and handle errors, improving the stability of your application.
  4. Transactions. Another benefit is that PDO provides support for database transactions, which allow you to execute multiple database operations as a single, atomic unit of work, ensuring data consistency and integrity.
  5. Improved Performance. In fact, PDO only establishes a database connection when it is actually needed. So, it reduces the number of unnecessary connections. As a result performance improves.
  6. Column Meta Information: PDO provides meta information about columns in a result set, making it easier to retrieve and work with data, improving the ease of use of your code.
  7. Unified API: PDO provides a unified API for working with different database systems, reducing the need to learn new APIs for each database system, and making it easier to write code that works with multiple databases.

How to Use PDO in a PHP script

The following links contain examples of using PDO in a PHP script.

Further Reading

Examples of Array Functions in PHP

Basic Programs in PHP

Registration Form Using PDO in PHP

Inserting Information from Multiple CheckBox Selection in a Database Table in PHP

PHP Projects for Undergraduate Students

Architectural Constraints of REST API

REST API Concepts

Creating a Classified Ads Application in PHP


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