Cloud Computing

What is Chaos Engineering?

Chaos engineering is a methodology used to test and improve the resilience of complex systems by intentionally introducing controlled and carefully monitored experiments that simulate real-world scenarios of failure or disruption.

In other words, it is a way to intentionally create small failures or disruptions in a system to observe how it reacts and to identify potential weaknesses or points of failure. The goal is to proactively uncover and address problems before they occur in real-world scenarios and to build more reliable, scalable, and resilient systems.

This method typically involves running experiments that simulate various failure scenarios, such as network outages, hardware failures, or service disruptions, in a controlled and isolated environment. The experiments are designed to test the system’s ability to detect and respond to the failures and to measure its overall resilience and recoverability.

Chaos engineering has become increasingly popular in recent years as more companies adopt cloud-based systems and microservices architectures that are more complex and harder to manage. By applying its principles, organizations can improve the reliability and performance of their systems and better meet the demands of their customers.

Latest Research Papers on Chaos Engineering

The following is a list of some recent related research papers.

  1. “An Experimental Study on the Impact of Chaos Engineering on Microservice Systems” by Iman Keivanloo et al. This paper presents an empirical study of the effects of chaos engineering on microservice-based systems, focusing on the impact on system resilience and performance.
  2. Chaos Engineering: Systematic Exploration of Failure in Distributed Systems” by Casey Rosenthal et al. This paper provides an overview of its principles and presents a case study of how it was used to identify and mitigate performance issues in a distributed system.
  3. A Systematic Literature Review of Chaos Engineering: Recent Advances and Future Directions” by Sunil Kumar Khatri et al. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the existing literature, highlighting recent advances and identifying future research directions.
  4. Continuous Experimentation in Software Engineering: A Systematic Review and Mapping Study” by Davide Fucci et al. This paper examines the use of continuous experimentation techniques, including chaos engineering, in software engineering, and provides insights into their benefits and challenges.
  5. A Study of the Applicability of Chaos Engineering in the Context of Safety-Critical Systems” by Jan Richter et al. This paper investigates the use of chaos engineering in safety-critical systems, exploring its potential benefits and challenges, and providing recommendations for future research in this area.

Further Reading

When should we prefer to React over PHP?

20+ Interview Questions on Chaos Engineering

Examples of Array Functions in PHP

Exploring PHP Arrays: Tips and Tricks

Basic Programs in PHP

Registration Form Using PDO in PHP

Inserting Information from Multiple CheckBox Selection in a Database Table in PHP

PHP Projects for Undergraduate Students

Architectural Constraints of REST API

REST API Concepts

Creating a Classified Ads Application in PHP


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