VB Dot NET Practice Exercise


The following VB Dot NET Practice Exercise will help you learn and practices this language. Basically, VB.NET is for Rapid Application Development (RAD). Further, the following exercise contains both Console applications and Windows Forms applications.

List of Programs in VB Dot NET Practice Exercise

This VB Dot NET Practice Exercise also contains solutions to these programs.

1) WAP to display “Hello World” on a label Control.  

2) WAP to change the back color of text box, label and command button on the click of command button.                                                                               
3) WAP to change the back color and fore color of form on the click of button.                                                                                                                     

4) Write a program to switch between two forms using show and hide methods.                                                                                                               

5) Design an application to show the font’s properties of text box.  

6) Design an application to implement simple arithmetic operations without using variables.  

7) Design a form to find out the area of circle whose radius given by the user and result shown in label1 as well as in message box.  

8) Design form to find out perimeter and area of rectangle and square. Show the result in the message box.
9) Design a form to find out the average and percentage of 4 numbers. Display the result on label.

10) Write a Program to find the area of circle whose radius is given by the user at run time.

11) Create an Application to check the range of various Data Types using Minimum Value & Maximum value Properties. Also show the usage of Gettype() method.

12) Design a simple Student Login form in Vb.net using the properties of textbox, command button and label controls.

13) Write a program to show the use of option explicit on/off statement.

14) Design simple Calculator.

15) Design a simple application to change the background colors of form in which user enter the RGB codes.

16)  Design a simple application to compare three numbers without using operator.

17) Write a program to check whether the entered number given by the user is prime or not using for.. Next loop construct.

18) Write a program to Print the table for entered number given by the user using for.. Next loop construct.

19) Write a program to display the grade obtained by the child according to the marks obtained by him/her using select case. Criteria for assigning the grades is given below :
If marks are
>=90 –  Grade is A
<90 and >80 – Grade is B
<80 and >=70 – Grade is C
<70 and >=60 – Grade is D
<60 – Grade is E

20) Write a program to display following Series
1.      1,3,5,7,9,….15
2.      0.2,0.4,0.6,….2.0
3.      15,13,11,9,….1
4.      10,5,0,-5,…….-15

21)  Write a program to print the following patterns in GUI:-

22) Introduction to Console Application. Write a program to print your name in console application with a welcome Message.
23) Create a console application to read two numbers from user and display its sum.
24) Create a console application to  print the following patterns:-

25) Create a console application to  print the following patterns:-
26) Create an application in both Windows and console to print all the Even and Odd numbers between the range given by the user using if statement.
27)  Write a program to check whether an entered number is Armstrong or not using do while..loop.
28) Write a program to check whether an entered string is Palindrome or not using do while..loop
29) Write a program to print the Fibonacci series with in a given range using for.. next.
30)  Write a program to find factorial of a number using Do-Until.. Loop
31) Create an Application to set Text Background Color Fore Color ,Font and Height properties of a Textbox using With Statement.

32) Using For_ Each_ Next Loop change the fore color of all the labels in a form.

33) Create Windows and console application both to demonstrate how to create an Array with 10 elements as entered by the user and search the number asked by the user and display its position. Also arrange it in ascending order.

34) Write a program to show the usage of all string functions.

35) Create a jagged Array with 3 rows and initializes each row with the elements print in the window.

36) Write a program to create simple array list and perform various operations of array list.

37) Create a structure for storing book details and populate it with data.

38) Create an enumeration named ‘Designation’ & takes 5 Designations in it -: Manager, Asst  Manager, Project Manager, Team Lead and Developer. Initialize salaries for these posts in the enumerator & display it in TextBox.

39)  Write a program to differentiate between parameter passing (ByVal and ByRef).

40) Create Windows and Console Application both to swap two integers with the help of call by ref

41) Create an Application to show the usage of Go To statement in an Unstructured Exception Handling Mechanism.

42) Create an Application to show the usage of Resume statement in an Unstructured Exception Handling Mechanism.

43) Create an Application to show the usage of Try & Catch block in a Structured Exception Handling Mechanism.

44) Create an Application to throw an Exception explicitly in VB .Net .

45) Design a simple application that accepts any text in the textbox and   a) change the different font style on the click of corresponding checkboxes  b) change the text of color on the click of corresponding radio buttons.

46) Design an application to implement the operation in between two list boxes like add, remove, transfer, print and count items from one list box to other.               
47)  Design an application to move any picture/image to left/ right and top /bottom direction

48)   On the click of button add the records of Employee of Suraj& Sons Company in the List View Control.

49)  Design an application to implement the operation of Combo box.

50)  Create an Application to generate a Label, Text Box and button “CLICK HERE” in a Panel at Runtime. Print the statement “HELLO” followed by user name taken from textbox at the click of button.

51) Design a tree structure of syllabus of BCA III Semester using Tree controls.

52) Design a File Menu and Format Menu in form1 and implement the functionality of all the Window Dialog boxes. Also add toolbar button on form1.

53) Design an application using Hsrollbar to change the backcolor of form.

54) Design a form to show the functionality of DateTimePickerControl,MonthCalender control and Status Bar.
55) Create a Simple MDI Application and arrange all the child forms in the proper layout.

56) Create a class Employee with the data members empno, empname, age, Date of joining,salary and the following methods:
a) Calculation of salary b) Calculation of experience c) displays the details about the employee.

57) Create a class shape with data member length and breadth and member function SetDimension. Now create a derived class Rectangle and calculate area and perimeter.

58) Write a program to show the implementation of Polymorphism in VB.Net.

59) Create an Abstract class and show the implementation of Abstraction in VB.Net.

60) Create an application to navigate student records with student id, Name,Course,Date of Birth,Email id and phone no fields using ADO.NET with Ms Access.

61) Create an application to bind the created student record using DataGridView Control. Write the steps

62) Create a Window Application with student id, Name, Course, Date of Birth, Email id and phone no fields and connect it to a MS-Access file using Connected Architecture. Show the first record on form load. Also provide navigational buttons to access first, previous, next and last records. Give option to add a new record, delete record/s and update records.
63) Create a Window Application with Employee id, Name, Designation, D, Email id, phone no and salary fields and connect it to a SQL database using Connected Architecture. Show the first record on form load. Also provide navigational buttons to access first, previous, next and last records. Give option to add a new record, delete record/s and update records.

64) Write a program to create a simple crystal Report using Ms Access.  


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