VB Dot NET Programs

Given below is a list of VB Dot NET Programs

  1. Create console application showing the use of conditional constructs – if, if-else, if-else if-else, nested if, select case.
  2. Create a console application showing the use of loops – Do….While loop, Do Until … Loop, While… Wend, For …  Next, For Each … Next.
  3. Create a simple windows application showing the use of TextBox, Button, Label Controls, Radio Button, Check Box Combo Box, and List Box Controls.
  4. Create a windows application showing the use of image, Timer, Panel, Scroll bar, Status Bar Controls.
  5. Create an MDI application showing the use of multiple forms, toolbar, menu, status bar, RichText Box, Dialog Controls.
  6. Create console/windows application to show the use of Structured Exception handling- try..end try, catch, finally.
  7. Create console/windows application to show the use of Unstructured Exception handling- On Error Resume Next etc.
  8. Create console/windows application showing the use of Array class – its methods and properties.
  9. Create console/windows application showing the use of Array List – its methods and properties.
  10. Create console/windows application showing the use of Enumeration, Constants, and Structures.
  11. Create console/windows application showing the declaration and use of user-defined functions.
  12. Create console/windows application showing the use of different argument passing mechanisms –  BvVal  ByRef, Optional, and ParamArray.
  13. Create console/windows application showing the declaration and use of Class with Data members, Function Member, Constructor Member, Destructor Member, Event Member, Property Member, Shared Member, Type Member.
  14. Create console/windows application showing the implementation of inheritance.
  15. Create console/windows application showing the use of Polymorphism.
  16. Write a Program to find diameter, circumference, and area of circle using procedure.
  17. Write a Program to find a maximum between three numbers using select case and if-else.
  18. Create a Basic calculator with all the functionalities.

Advanced VB Dot NET Programs

  1. Create a basic Digital or Analog Clock using Timer, Image, Button, ComboBox, and other relevant controls.
  2. Write a Program to find the second largest element and second smallest element in an array.
  3. Write a program to create an ArrayList of 10 elements. Create a procedure to add a new element at the specific location in the ArrayList and display the updated ArrayList.
  4. Write a program to validate the username and password entered by the user and create user-defined exception to prompt messages on three consecutive wrong password entries.
  5. Create a Class Box with the following private data members length, breadth, height, and function getVolume, and public member functions input and output. Create an object of the class and call appropriate functions.
  6. Create a class Rectangle, with protected members width and height, public procedure setWidth and setHeight, getArea. Inherit it in another class ShrinkRectangle with a data member shrink factor. Create an object of the class and call appropriate member functions. Create an appropriate class to demonstrate overloading of function ‘area’ for finding the area of a circle square rectangle and a triangle.
  7. Create a class Book with data members: Bookld, BookName, Cost, Pages. Member property to add data to all its data members, function to find the cost per page. Create five objects of 5 books and find the total cost.

Further Reading

Database Record Navigation Example Using ADO.NET

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