Important Concepts in NodeJS

The following list provides some of the Important Concepts in NodeJS that every programmer should know. Modules in NodeJS NodeJS File System Events Node Package Manager (NPM) Callbacks Asynchronous I/O (Non-Blocking I/O) Promises Prototypes Brief Introduction of Important Concepts in NodeJS The following section provides a brief introduction of the above-mentioned concepts. Modules In fact, …

Understanding NodeJS With Examples

In this article on Understanding NodeJS With Examples, I will explain this server-side JavaScript runtime environment along with some examples. To begin with, let us first discuss the features of the node.js framework. Basically, Node.js is built on chrome’s V8 engine. It is open-source. It is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment and can execute JavaScript …

Getting Started with Solidity

In this article on Getting Started with Solidity, I will explain the Solidity programming language to create smart contracts. Basically, Solidity is a high-level, contract-oriented programming language that we use to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. In order to start with Solidity, follow these steps. Steps for Getting Started with Solidity At first, …

Java Code Examples

The following list presents some of the Java Code Examples. Basic Java Code Examples In order to find area of a rectangle, create a class Rectangle with data members length and breadth and member functions getDimensions() for reading input and findArea() to display the output. Write a program to demonstrate the use of method overloading …

C++ Practice Exercise

The following list presents a C++ Practice Exercise. Solve the Following C++ Practice Exercise Write a program to implement the ‘Inline function’ Implement call by reference and return by reference using class in a C++ program. [Hint. Assume necessary functions] Write a program to implement the friend function by taking some real-life examples Implement ‘Function …

Beginners Code Examples in Python

The following list provides some of the Beginners Code Examples in Python. List of Beginners Code Examples in Python Write a program to demonstrate the use of different operators in python. Create a Function_Prime_Sum of all the primes in a ranges. Write a Python program to perform the string operations. Also, create an interactive application …

Learning Simple Queries in SQL

In this article on Learning Simple Queries in SQL, I will explain how to perform simple selection and projection queries on a database table in SQL. To begin with, let us create a table Course in the Institute database that we have created earlier. The following create command creates the Course table. As a result …