Java Code Examples

The following list presents some of the Java Code Examples. Basic Java Code Examples In order to find area of a rectangle, create a class Rectangle with data members length and breadth and member functions getDimensions() for reading input and findArea() to display the output. Write a program to demonstrate the use of method overloading …

C++ Practice Exercise

The following list presents a C++ Practice Exercise. Solve the Following C++ Practice Exercise Write a program to implement the ‘Inline function’ Implement call by reference and return by reference using class in a C++ program. [Hint. Assume necessary functions] Write a program to implement the friend function by taking some real-life examples Implement ‘Function …

Beginners Code Examples in Python

The following list provides some of the Beginners Code Examples in Python. List of Beginners Code Examples in Python Write a program to demonstrate the use of different operators in python. Create a Function_Prime_Sum of all the primes in a ranges. Write a Python program to perform the string operations. Also, create an interactive application …

Learning Simple Queries in SQL

In this article on Learning Simple Queries in SQL, I will explain how to perform simple selection and projection queries on a database table in SQL. To begin with, let us create a table Course in the Institute database that we have created earlier. The following create command creates the Course table. As a result …