Rotating an Array in C#

The following code example demonstrates Rotating an Array in C#. In fact, array rotation is a programming exercise that helps you improve programming logic. Moreover, it also requires students to develop critical thinking and to find think about logic to solve a problem in an efficient manner. In other words, the application logic needs to …

JSTL Tags for Condition and Loop

In this article, I will discuss the examples of JSTL Tags for Condition and Loop. In general JSP tag Library contains <c:if>, and <c:forEach> tags for checking conditions, and loops respectively. Syntax of <c:if> Tag <c:if test=””, var=””, scope=””></c:if> Basically, the test attribute specifies the condition. While the var attribute stores the result of the …

Standard Template Library in C++

Basically, Standard Template Library (STL) in C++ is a library of data structures. Hence, by using STL, we need not bother about implementing the commonly used data structures. Instead, we can focus on application-specific tasks. Therefore, Standard Template Library in C++ supports the reusability of the code. Another benefit that we get by using STL …

Using Arrays in Java

This article explains Using Arrays in Java. Basically, an array is a data type that contains multiple elements of the same data type. Declaring Arrays in Java The following code shows that how to declare arrays in Java. Syntax: Since, arrays are dynamically, allocated in Java, we need to use the new operator, as shown …