
How to Perform Form handling Using Struts?

The following article describes Form handling Using Struts.

In order to perform form handling using Struts you need to follow these steps.

  1. Set up the development environment: You will need to set up a Java development environment and install Struts libraries.
  2. Create a new Struts project: Use a Struts project template to create a new project.
  3. Define the form data: Define the data that you want to collect from the user, such as name, email, and phone number. Create a corresponding JavaBean class to hold the form data.
  4. Create a JSP form: Create a JSP page that displays the form to the user. Use the Struts tags to create the form elements and bind them to the JavaBean properties.
  5. Create a Struts action class: Create an action class that will process the form data. The action class should extend the Struts Action class and override the execute method.
  6. Map the action to the form submission: In the struts-config.xml file, map the action to the form submission URL.
  7. Implement the execute method: In the execute method, retrieve the form data from the JavaBean, perform any necessary processing, and set any output data on the request or session.
  8. Create a JSP result page: Create a JSP page that will display the result of the form submission. Use the Struts tags to access any output data set by the action class.
  9. Test the application: Deploy the application to a web server and test it by submitting the form and verifying that the result is displayed correctly.

This is a general overview of the steps involved in developing a Struts application to process form data. Keep in mind that the specific implementation details will depend on the requirements of your application.

See the following example.

Further Reading

Understanding Enterprise Java Beans

Java Practice Exercise



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