50+ Core Java Questions and Answers for Technical Interview Preparation

Here are the 50+ Core Java Questions and Answers for Technical Interview Preparation. The following list presents core java questions and answers. Nevertheless, it will help you prepare for any technical interview. Moreover, Java is one of the most popular languages in the developers’ community. So you must have command in Java while preparing for …

Java Code Examples

The following list presents some of the Java Code Examples. Basic Java Code Examples In order to find area of a rectangle, create a class Rectangle with data members length and breadth and member functions getDimensions() for reading input and findArea() to display the output. Write a program to demonstrate the use of method overloading …

Types of Enterprise Java Beans

In this article, I will discuss Types of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB). Basically, Enterprise Java Beans are software components that we use to develop distributed enterprise-level applications using Java EE technology. In fact, using EJB we implement the business logic of our application with each component performing a specific well-defined task. The following section describes …

Understanding Enterprise Java Beans

In this article on Understanding Enterprise Java Beans, I will explain the concept of Enterprise Java Beans and their role in building a Java Enterprise application. Basically, an Java Enterprise application that makes use of Java EE technology happens to be a multi-tier application. Further, the enterprise-level applications must be scalable and robust. Often these …

Java Servlet Practice Questions

The following Java Servlet Practice Questions contain the programming problems in Java Servlet Technology. Basically, servlets are Java programs. Further, servlets execute on Java-enabled web servers. For example, we can use the Apache Tomcat server. In fact, servlet technology provides us with a way to create dynamic web applications. Actually, Servlet technology consists of an …

JSP Practice Exercise

The following JSP Practice Exercise contains beginner’s lever programs on Java Server Pages (JSP). Basically, JSP is a technology that we can use to create dynamic web applications. Furthermore, JSP is built over servlet technology. So, it provides us the additional capability such as JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). For the purpose of creating the …

Find Armstrong Number in Java

This article shows programs to Find Armstrong Number in Java. Basically, checking for an Armstrong is an important programming problem to learn a programming language. Also, it helps in developing programming logic. Meanwhile, you can find more information on Armstrong numbers here. In order to write a program, first, we need to develop its logic. …