Creating a Simple HTTP Servlet

In this article on Creating a Simple HTTP Servlet, I will explain writing the code of your first servlet using the Eclipse IDE. Basically, a servlet is nothing but a java class that serves the purpose of extending the capabilities of a server. Furthermore, a servlet handles the request and response operations. Steps for Creating …

Interfaces in Java

Interfaces in Java provide us a way to declare the functionality that can be implemented by different classes in their own way. In general, an interface represents a contract. Basically, it is a contract between different groups of people in the software industry where the groups want to agree on how the software should behave. Therefore, the …

Creating Arrays in Java

In this article, I will explain Creating Arrays in Java. To begin with, let us first understand what an array is. Basically, an array represents a collection of elements. So, an array can contain multiple values of the same data type. Additionally, all elements in an array occupy the contiguous locations in memory. Further, all …

Method Overloading Using Java

This article demonstrates Method-Overloading Using Java. Earlier, I have explained how to create user-defined methods. Accordingly, a class can have user-defined methods which are all uniquely named. In other words, in a particular class, each method has a unique name. However, this rule has an exception. In other words, a class may allow two or more methods …

Flow Control Using Loops in Java

In this article, I will explain Flow Control Using Loops in Java. In general, the statements of a program code execute sequentially. However, there are occasions when this sequential course of action needs to be altered. For instance, suppose we want to repeat certain statements till a particular condition remains satisfied. In that case, we …

Examples of Decision Making in Java

This article explains the concept of Examples of Decision Making in Java. Basically, decision-making in a code is required whenever there is two or more course of action depending on a condition. So, in Java, we can perform decision-making using the if…else statement. Also, we can also use the ternary operator in Java if we need to choose one …