Understanding SQLite Database With Examples

In this article on Understanding SQLite Database With Examples, I will explain what is SQLite and when you should use it. Here you will also find some examples of using SQLite. When you need to use a light weight, cross-platform, and open-source database, SQLite is the best choice. It is a serverless database. In other …

Introduction to Django Framework and its Features

In this article on Introduction to Django Framework and its Features, I will explain the Python Web Development Framework Django. Also, I will discuss why this framework is preferred by web developers and its distinguishing features. Basically, Django is a python based framework that enables you to build web applications fast and in a simpler …

MySQLi Prepared Statement and its Benefits

Today I will discuss MySQLi Prepared Statement and its Benefits. Prepared statements provide a better way to execute SQL queries. Apart from being safe, the prepared statements allow the reusability of code. Since the statement need to be prepared once and can be executed any number of times by just replacing the parameters, these statements …

Examples of Database Connectivity Using MySQLi in PHP

This article presents Database Connectivity Using MySQLi in PHP. Create a database with the ‘CREATE DATABASE’ command using a PHP program. (https://www.programmingempire.com/creating-a-database-with-mysqli/) How to create a database table in a MySQL database? (https://www.programmingempire.com/example-of-creating-a-mysql-database-table-using-php/) Insert Records Using HTML Form in a Database Table (https://www.programmingempire.com/inserting-a-record-in-a-database-table-using-mysqli-in-php/) Using Prepared Statement in PHP to insert a record. (https://www.programmingempire.com/inserting-record-using-prepared-statement-in-php/) How to …

MERN Stack Important Concepts

Today I will discuss MERN Stack Important Concepts. Basically, MERN Stack is another technology stack that uses JavaScript. Similarly, we use it to develop web applications. Like MEAN stack, we can develop full-stack web applications using MERN Stack. The four key components of MERN Stack are MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. Evidently, MERN Stack uses …

Overview of Mean Stack

This article provides an Overview of Mean Stack. Basically, it is a JavaScript-based full-stack technology stack that enables developers to build modern web applications faster. Since JavaScript is the language to develop both client-side and server-side development, developers need to learn a single language only. Besides, this technology stack provides a simple, cost-effective solution. Also, …

Getting Started With MongoDB

In this article on Getting Started With MongoDB, I will introduce a NoSQL database called MongoDB. Basically, it is a document-oriented database that is widely used in creating scalable web applications. Since it is a non-relational database, so it doesn’t contain rows and columns. Instead, it has document-oriented storage. We can create a database without …

Working With Directories in PHP

Working With Directories in PHP involves creating a directory, changing directories, listing the content of a directory, and also deleting a directory. PHP provides several in-built functions that enable us to perform operations on directories. The following section discusses some of these functions. Functions for Working With Directories in PHP To begin with, we create …

Performing File Operations in PHP

In this article, I will discuss Performing File Operations in PHP. Since file handling is an important feature in many applications. So, all programming languages offer a library of in-built functions for file handling. As a matter of fact, PHP provides a number of methods to create, read, and manipulate files and directories. The following …