In this post on Learning Properties in C#, I will talk about an important member of a C# class called the Property. Usually, we have private fields in a class that we can manipulate using methods. However, many times we don’t need to do anything else with those private fields except setting and getting their values. In such a case, properties provide us a convenient way to do so without having the need to define the corresponding setter and getter methods for every field.
After all, Why Do We Need Properties, If We already have Fields?
To illustrate this point, let us have a class having certain data members. In the absence of properties, we maintain data encapsulation as follows. Evidently, class A has a private data member i that we access using the two public methods called getI() and setI().
class A
int i;
public int getI()
return i;
public void setI(int i)
this.i = i;
Properties help us simplifying the way we access and manipulate a field. As an illustration look at the following code.
class A
int i;
public int I
return i;
i = value;
In the above code, class A has a property called I, which facilitates access to the private field i.
The syntax for Creating Properties in C#
We define properties in a class along with the corresponding field and the property itself doesn’t specify any storage. Basically, the field has allocated the storage for the value. However, it is not necessary to have any field for a property. In such a case, the property itself specifies the storage for a value.
Creating a Property for a Field
The following syntax shows how to create properties for a field.
class class-name
data-type field-name;
access-modifier data-type property-value
return field-name;
Property Accessors
A property can have two types of accessors – the get accessor, and the set accessor.
get accessor
The get accessor provides a way to retrieve the value of the corresponding field. Hence, it must have a return statement.
set accessor
The set accessor enables us to set the value of the corresponding field.
It is important to remember that a property must have at least one accessor. however, it is not mandatory to define both accessors in a property.
Examples of Creating Properties
Meanwhile, here are some examples of creating properties in several ways. Firstly, we create a property of string type in the usual way as given below.
class Animal
String name;
public String Name
return name;
name = value;
Another example of using much-simplified syntax for accessors in a property is given below. Basically, we can create properties in this way if get and set accessors contain only one statement.
class Animal
String name;
public String Name
get => name;
set => name = value;
Using Access Modifiers with Properties
While using access modifiers with properties we need to remember following points:
- In particular, we can use any access modifier with properties.
- Also, we can use access modifiers with accessors.
- Further, we can use access modifiers with accessors only when the property has both get and set accessors.
- However, we can use an access modifier only with one of the accessors.
- Additionally, the access modifier used with an accessor must be more restrictive as compared to the access modifier used with the property itself. For instance, the following code will give an error because the get accessor is public.
class MyClass
int a;
internal int A
public get => a;
set => a = value;
Different Types of Properties
Learning Properties in C# requires understanding different types of properties. Meanwhile, we can have auto-implemented properties, read-write properties, read-only properties, write-only properties, and static properties.
Auto-implemented Properties
Significantly, we can have properties without any backing field. In fact, the C# compiler provides the backing field for an auto-implemented property. Besides, the accessors don’t contain any additional logic apart from assigning a value or retrieving a value.
The following syntax is used to create an auto-implemented property.
class class-name
//Defining property
public data-type property-name
get; set;
In addition, we can initialize the auto-implemented property with a particular value also. The following example demonstrates the property initialization. It must be remembered that only auto-implemented properties can have initializers.
using System;
namespace PropertiesExamples
class Box
public string Color { get; set; } = "Blue";
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Box ob = new Box();
Box ob1 = new Box();
ob.Color = "Red";
Console.WriteLine(ob.Color+" "+ob1.Color);
Red Blue
Read-Write Properties
Specifically, if the property has both get and set accessors, then it is a read-write property as shown below.
class MyClass
int a;
public int A
internal get => a;
set => a = value;
Read-Only Properties
Likewise, we can have a read-only property if it allows only retrieving the value of the corresponding field using the get accessor. Accordingly, if we define only the get accessor in the property and omit the set accessor, then it becomes a read-only property.
Write-Only Properties
In a similar way, suppose we omit the get accessor and leave only the set accessor, then it is a write-only property. As an illustration, the following code demonstrates both read-only, and write-only properties. While A and B are write-only properties, the Sum is the read-only property.
using System;
namespace PropertiesExamples1
class MyClass
int a, b;
public int A
set => a=value;
public int B
set => b = value;
public int Sum
get => a+b;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass ob = new MyClass();
ob.A = 10;
ob.B = 20
Console.WriteLine("Sum = "+ob.Sum);
Static Properties
In like manner, we can have static properties that have a single value for all instances of a class. Besides, we can access the static properties through the name of the class since creating an instance of the class is not necessary for accessing a static property. The following example shows a static property.
class MyClass
static int count;
public static int Count
get => count;
set => count = value;
Computed Properties
Finally, we can have properties that just not return the value of a field. Instead, it computes something and returns that computed value. The following code demonstrates a computed property.
using System;
namespace PropertiesExamples
class Person
public int HouseNo { get; set;}
public String Locality { get; set;}
public String City { get; set;}
public String PinCode { get; set;}
public String Country { get; set;}
public String Address { get => $@"{HouseNo}, {Locality},
{City} - {PinCode},
{Country}."; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Person ob2 = new Person();
ob2.HouseNo = 78;
ob2.Locality = "Janakpuri";
ob2.City = "Delhi";
ob2.PinCode = "110078";
Benefits of Using Properties
- Basically, properties allow access and manipulation of private fields.
- They help us maintain the features of data hiding and encapsulation.
- Moreover, we can use properties for validating data and performing some computation on the basis of other fields.
In this article on Learning Properties in C#, I have explained a type member in C# called Property. Also, there are various ways to create properties, that are also discussed here. Further, we can have different types of properties like read-write properties, read-only properties, computed properties, auto-implemented properties, and static properties.