Here are 10 basic programs on the Spring Framework.
- Hello World. A simple program that demonstrates the basic setup of a Spring project and displays a message on the console.
- Dependency Injection. A program that demonstrates the use of dependency injection to inject dependencies into a class.
- Bean Scopes. A program that demonstrates the different bean scopes available in Spring, including singleton and prototype.
- Property Configuration. A program that demonstrates the use of property files to configure Spring beans.
- Spring MVC. A program that demonstrates the use of the Spring MVC framework to build a web application.
- Spring Security. A program that demonstrates the use of Spring Security. Therefore, implement authentication and authorization in a web application with Spring Framework.
- Spring AOP. A program that demonstrates the use of Spring AOP to implement cross-cutting concerns such as logging and caching.
- Transaction Management. A program that demonstrates the use of Spring’s transaction management support to manage transactions in a database.
- Spring RESTful Web Services. A program that demonstrates the use of Spring to build RESTful web services.
- Spring Boot. A program that demonstrates the use of Spring Boot to create a self-contained, executable JAR file that can be easily deployed to a server.
Further Reading
Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions
From Google to the World: The Story of Go Programming Language
Why Go? Understanding the Advantages of this Emerging Language
Creating and Executing Simple Programs in Go