The following article on Working with Docker Containers explains how to start, stop, and restart docker containers.
To start, stop, and restart Docker containers, you can use the “docker container” command. Here are some examples:
- Start Command:
docker container start [container_name]
This command starts a stopped container with the specified name.
- Stop Commnad:
docker container stop [container_name]
This command stops a running container with the specified name.
- Restarting a container:
docker container restart [container_name]
This command stops and starts a container with the specified name.
You can also use the container ID instead of the container name in the above commands. In order to view the list of running containers, use the following.
docker container ls
This command lists all the running containers along with their details such as container ID, image name, status, and ports.
The command to view the list of all containers, Also the stopped ones,
docker container ls -a
This command lists all the containers along with their details.
Note that when you stop a container, any data that was written to its filesystem will be preserved, but any changes made to its internal state will be lost. To preserve the state of a container when stopping or restarting it, you can use the “docker commit” command to create a new image from the container’s current state.
Further Reading
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