
Introduction to Angular and its Key Features

This article presents an Introduction to Angular and its Key Features.

Angular is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for building web applications. Its key features include the following.

  1. Two-way data binding. With angular, data synchronization is possible. In other words, the model and view are synchronized. Hence, you make changes in one, the other will get it immediately.
  2. Component-based architecture. Angular organizes code into reusable components, making it easier to manage complex applications.
  3. Dependency injection. This is a design pattern that helps manage dependencies between different components of an application.
  4. Directives. Angular provides a rich set of built-in directives for manipulating the DOM, such as ngIf and ngFor.
  5. Services. These are singleton objects that provide functionality across multiple components in an application.
  6. Routing and navigation. Angular’s router module enables the creation of SPAs. Furthermore, these Single Page Applications can have multiple views. Also, it allows navigation between them.
  7. Reactive programming. Angular leverages Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) to enable reactive programming, which makes it easier to handle asynchronous events and data streams.
  8. Testing. Angular provides tools for unit testing. Also, you can perform end-to-end testing. So, it makes it easier to maintain the code quality.

Further Reading

Creating Single Page Applications with Angular

Angular 10 Data Binding in Different Ways

Creating Some Angular Components

Angular 10 Data Binding in Different Ways



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