
How to Use Docker Registry to Store Docker Images?

The following article explains How to Use Docker Registry to Store Docker Images.

For the purpose of storing docker images, as well as distributing these images, we use the Docker registry service. Basically, it is a central repository for Docker images, where developers can push and pull images to and from. In fact, it is a key component of Docker’s distributed architecture. Hence, you can store and manage Docker images in a centralized location. Essentially, the Docker registry makes it happen.

In order to create Docker images we use a Dockerfile, which contains a set of instructions for building an image. Once an image is built, it can be pushed to a Docker registry for storage and distribution. The Docker registry allows users to browse, search, and download Docker images.

Docker provides a public registry called Docker Hub, which allows developers to store and share public Docker images. However, Docker Hub also supports private repositories for storing confidential Docker images.

You can also host your own private Docker registry using the open-source Docker Registry project. This allows you to have complete control over the storage and distribution of Docker images, and it can be used to create a secure, private repository for your organization’s Docker images.

The following steps need to be followed.

  1. Build your Docker image using a Dockerfile.
  2. Tag the image with the registry URL and repository name.
  3. Push the image to the registry with the command: docker push
  4. Pull the image from the registry with the command: docker pull

To summarize, the Docker registry is an essential component of the Docker ecosystem, allowing developers to manage and distribute Docker images with ease. Moreover, it provides a centralized location for storing and sharing Docker images. Hence, it makes it easier to build, test, and deploy containerized applications.

Further Reading

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