
How to Manage Docker Images and Containers?

The following article explains How to Manage Docker Images and Containers.

In order to manage Docker images and containers, we have the Docker CLI commands or a Docker GUI tool. The following list shows some of the basic commands for managing Docker images and containers.

  1. Docker images. In order to manage images, we use these commands.
  • docker images. This command lists all the Docker images that are currently available on your system.
  • docker rmi <IMAGE ID>. Similarly, this command removes the Docker image specified by the <IMAGE ID> parameter.
  • docker pull <IMAGE NAME>:<TAG>. Likewise, this command pulls a Docker image from a registry, such as Docker Hub.
  1. Docker containers. For the purpose of managing containers, we use these commands.
  • docker ps. This command lists all the running Docker containers.
  • docker ps -a. Similarly, this command lists all the Docker containers, including those that are not running.
  • docker start <CONTAINER ID>. This command starts a stopped Docker container.
  • docker stop <CONTAINER ID>. Similarly, this command stops a running Docker container.
  • docker rm <CONTAINER ID>. This command removes a Docker container specified by the <CONTAINER ID> parameter.
  • docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> <COMMAND>. This command executes a command inside a running Docker container.
  1. Docker Compose. Similarly, we use these commands for Docker Compose.
  • docker-compose up. In order to start the container, we use this command. So, his command starts the Docker containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
  • docker-compose down. Similarly, this command stops and removes the Docker containers created by the docker-compose up command.

In fact, these are just a few examples of the many commands available for managing Docker images and containers. Furthermore, Docker also provides a range of other commands for managing networks, volumes, and other Docker resources.

Further Reading

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