Difference Between the COPY and ADD Commands in Dockerfile

The following article explains the Difference Between the COPY and ADD Commands in Dockerfile. In Dockerfile, both the COPY and ADD commands are used to copy files from the host system to the Docker image. However, they are not exactly the same. The following section describes the differences. The COPY command is used to copy …

How to Use Docker to Deploy Applications?

The following article explains How to Use Docker to Deploy Applications. Basically, Docker provides a powerful and flexible way to deploy applications. The following list shows the general steps for using Docker to deploy applications. Create a Docker image: The first step in deploying an application with Docker is to create a Docker image. A …

How to Automate the Docker Container Deployment?

The following article explains How to Automate the Docker Container Deployment. In order to automate Docker container deployment, we have various approaches. The following list specifies these approaches. Docker Compose. basically, it is a tool to run multi-container applications. Therefore, you can define the containers, their configuration, and their relationships in a YAML file. You …

Role of Docker in DevOps

The following article explains what is the Role of Docker in DevOps. Docker plays a critical role in DevOps by enabling organizations to build, ship, and run applications in a consistent and efficient manner across different environments. Here are some ways in which Docker supports DevOps practices: Consistent development environments: Docker allows developers to create …

Docker and Traditional Virtualization

The following article describes Docker and Traditional Virtualization. Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to build, package, and deploy applications as lightweight, portable containers. It uses operating-system-level virtualization to run multiple containers on a single host, with each container sharing the host’s kernel. In traditional virtualization, a hypervisor is used to create virtual …

Top 20 Interview Questions on Docker

The following article provides the Top 20 Interview Questions on Docker. Also, the answers are available on the respective links. What is Docker and how does it differ from traditional virtualization? How do you create a Docker image? What are Docker containers and how are they different from Docker images? How do you start, stop, …

Exploring Arrays in PHP

The following post on Exploring Arrays in PHP provides examples of using associative arrays and indexed arrays in PHP. Examples of Creating Associative Arrays. Display Associative Arrays. How to Display Two-Dimensional Associative Array? Display Nested Associative Array Difference Between 2D Associative Array and Nested Associative Array. Examples of 2D Indexed Arrays. Display 2D Indexed Arrays. …

Docker Project Ideas for Students

The following article provides some Docker Project Ideas for Students. Basically, Docker is a popular containerization platform that allows you to create and run applications in a consistent and isolated environment. The following list shows some Docker project ideas for students. Most Popular Docker Project Ideas for Students Web Application Deployment. Deploy a web application …

When should we prefer to React over PHP?

The following article discusses When should we prefer to React over PHP. In fact, React and PHP are two different technologies with different use cases, so it’s not really a matter of “preference” between them. As a matter of fact, React is a JavaScript library. We use it to create elegant and complex user interfaces. …