
Top 20 Interview Questions on Hibernate

The following article presents the Top 20 Interview Questions on Hibernate. Also, their solutions are available on respective links.

Top 20 Interview Questions on Hibernate and Their Solutions

  1. Describe Hibernate. When should we use Hibernate?
  2. Why is Hibernet beneficial to developers? Discuss its advantages.
  3. When should we prefer to Hibernate over JDBC? What is the difference between Hibernate and JDBC?
  4. Explain ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).
  5. How does Hibernate implement ORM?
  6. What is a Hibernate Session? When should we use a Hibernate Session?
  7. Describe HQL (Hibernate Query Language). When should we use HQL?
  8. What is the purpose of Hibernate Criteria API? When should we use Hibernate Criteria API?
  9. Compare lazy loading and eager loading in Hibernate.
  10. Also, compare Session.get() and Session.load() methods in Hibernate.
  11. How do you map a class to a database table in Hibernate? Explain with an example.
  12. How do you map a relationship between two classes in Hibernate?
  13. How do you perform CRUD operations in Hibernate?
  14. What is the purpose of Hibernate Validator? When should we use Hibernate validator?
  15. Compare Hibernate and JPA.
  16. What is the purpose of Hibernate caching? How do you configure it?
  17. What is the purpose of Hibernate Envers?
  18. How do you integrate Hibernate with Spring framework?
  19. How do you test a Hibernate application?
  20. What are the best practices for using Hibernate?

Further Reading

Spring Framework Practice Problems and Their Solutions

Java Practice Exercise



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