
Hibernate Practical Problems and Their Solutions

In this article, I will present some of the Hibernate Practical Problems and Their Solutions that will help you work with Hibernate.

Basically, Hibernate is a Java Framework for ORM (Object Relational Modeling). In other words, Hibernate provides a mapping of Java classes to the database tables.

The following list provides Hibernate Practical Problems and Their Solutions to get a basic understanding of Hibernate.

  1. To begin with, create a table Book in Oracle with the fields – book_title, author, book_id, and price. Also, create a corresponding JavaBean class. Further, insert a record in the Book table using the Hibernate mapping file (.hbm.xml).
  2. After that, change the Book table such that now the book_id is an auto-increment field. Now insert ten Book objects in this table using Hibernate.
  3. Further, insert some more records in the Book table. However, the values of the book_id field should be taken from a sequence. Create the sequence at the back end.
  4. Display the records from the Book table. Also, using a separate program display the book details where book_id is 7 and the book price is less than 500.
  5. Create an HTML form that asks for the book_id from the user and delete the Book object corresponding to that book_id. However, if that id doesn’t exist, display an error message.
  6. In another HTML form, accept the book_id and update in price. When the user clicks on the submit button, update the price corresponding to that book_id, if the book_id exists. Otherwise, display an error message.
  7. Demonstrate the use of the following annotations on the Book table in a hibernate program: @Entity, @Table, @Id, @Column.
  8. When do we use HQL? Write a Hibernate program to display the Book details using HQL.
  9. Now display only the book_title, and price of all book records using HQL.
  10. Similarly, display all the book_titles which start with ‘C’.
  11. Display the total number of book records.
  12. Now add another field named Category in the Book table. Display book records on the basis of Category.

Further Reading

Java Practice Exercise



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