What is Image Segmentation?

Basically, Image Segmentation is an image processing technique. Significantly, it is an important part of object detection. In the case of object detection, it is required to partition an image. So, all the objects that the given image contains can be separated. Once we separate all parts of the image it becomes easier to analyze it. Applications of Image Segmentation The following list provides some of the applications where we can use image segmentation. In the case of …

ImageNet and its Applications

Basically, ImageNet is a visual image dataset that contains a large number of images. In fact, the dataset contains more than 14 million images of over 22000 categories. Specifically, this dataset is created for solving computer vision problems. It is used for object recognition and the images that it contains are manually labeled. Applications of ImageNet In the first …

Image Contrast Enhancement using Histogram Equalization

In this article on Image Contrast Enhancement using Histogram Equalization, I will explain the significance of Histogram Equalization. Basically, Histogram Equalization is an image processing technique. A histogram represents the intensity distribution of an image graphically. Therefore, it contains the quantified value of the number of pixels representing each intensity value. Accordingly, Histogram Equalization (HE) broadens the …

Transfer Learning and its Applications

In this post on Transfer Learning and its Applications, I will explain the concept and applications of Transfer Learning. To begin with, Transfer Learning is a type of Machine Learning that doesn’t build the model from scratch. Understanding the Use of Transfer Learning and its Applications in various Domains Basically, Transfer Learning is a technique …

Examples of OpenCV Library in Python

This article provides an introduction to OpenCV Library in Python and demonstrates some examples of using this library. In fact, OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a cross-platform library. Also, it works on both images and videos. In the case of the Python programming language, the OpenCV library is available with the cv2 package. The cv2 package contains methods …

Understanding Blockchain Concepts

In this post on Understanding Blockchain Concepts, I will explain what is blockchain and its application. What is a Blockchain? Basically, a blockchain is a distributed database. Significantly, Decentralization and Scalability are the two most important features of a Blockchain. As the name suggests, a Blockchain is a chain of blocks with each block containing …

Edge Detection Using OpenCV

In this post on Edge Detection Using OpenCV, I will explain an important image processing function known as edge detection. Basically, edge detection results in a new image that contains the outlines or edges of the given image. Canny Edge Detection Method Basically, Canny Edge Detection is a step-by-step procedure that requires the image to …